Narrative Text (Misunderstanding) berserta soal Essay dan Jawaban
In a remote part of Ohio, United States, there is a place called Morrow.
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By this time the traveler was getting more and more annoyed and finally lost his temper and yelled, “Can’t you understand what I mean? I want a ticket to a place called Morrow and I want it now!”
Finally understanding what the traveler really wanted, the clerk said quite calmly, “Why didn’t you say so in the first place? Here is your ticket.”
remote: terpencil
called: dinamai
traveler: wisatawan
booking-clerk: pegawai loket
raised: menaikkan
have to: harus
getting more and more annoyed: menjadi semakin jengkel
finally: akhirnya
lost his temper: hilang kesabaran
yelled: berteriak
mean: maksudakan
place: tempat
really: sebenarnya
quite: betul-betul
calmly: (dengan) tengang
in the end: akhirnya, alhasil
populated area: daerah padat penduduk
repeat: mengulangi
request: permintaan
several times: beberapa kali
gesture: isyarat, mimik
express: menyatakan, mengungkapkan
anger: kemarahan
Answer the Questions
- What did the traveler want?
- Where does the story take place?
- Why did the traveler become annoyed?
- How did he speak when he lost his temper?
- How did the clerk speak when he finally understood what the traveler want?
- What is the "Morrow" of the story?
- a. Have you ever traveled by train?
b. Where and when? - a. Do you like travelling by train?
b. Why?
Answer Key (Kunci Jawaban):
- He wanted a ticket to Morrow.
- The story takes place at London train station (in London).
- He became annoyed because the clerk misunderstood him.
- He yelled.
- He spoke (quite) calmly.
- The Morrow (moral) is: if at first you don't succeed , try, try, try again.
- Students answer.*
- Students answer.*
Sumber: Step by Step (2003) oleh Prof. Dr. Azhar Arsyad, M.A.
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