Cara Menyatakan Agreement and Disagreement Dalam Percakapan Bahasa Inggris
Untuk memberikan pernyataan persetujuan yang sopan, hal yang umum dilakukan adalah seperti contoh di bawah ini
The weather is very cool, isn't it?
--- Yes, it is
Apabila pembicara mengajak kita untuk setuju dengan pendapat/ opininya,
I don't think that the gas price cannot be controlled.
--- No, I don't --- No, I don't thik it can't
Penambahan kata seperti certainly dan quite juga kadang - kadang diperlukan.
They're a very good class, aren't they? --- Yes, They certainly are
What we need is a strong government. --- I quite agree
In my opinion, something should be done about it. --- You're quite right
Beberapa bentuk pernyataan untuk menyatakan disagreement mungkin berbeda antara satu dengan yang lainnya tergantung dengan konteks dan situasinya. yang terpenting adalah disini untuk menyatakan disagreement harus dinyatakan dengan sopan ( polite)
Jakarta is a charming city. --- Well, as a matter of fact I prefer Bandung
It's very warm today --- Oh, not really
It looks rather crowded in here --- Oh, It's not too bad.
I think we ought to be leaving now. --- Oh, surely not. It's only half past nine.
Akhiran So
Kata So digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan pada ungkapan agreement dan disagreement.
Is Linda coming to his party? --- No, I don't think so
The boss will be angry if we're always late. --- Yes I suppose so
It Looks like rain, doesn't it? --- Yes I'm afraid so
I expect it will clear up later. --- I hope so
Berikut ini contoh conversation yang nantinya bisa digunakan sebagai latihan untuk memperlancar penguasaan speaking anda.
Mrs Linda is showing Mrs Arly new dress she sold
Mrs Linda : That's a lovely dress, isn't it?
Mrs Arly : Yes, It certainly is --- and look at the red one. is that good?
Mrs Linda : Well, as a matter of fact I'm not really keen on red one. I think the yellow one is nice.
Mrs. Arly : Ok, I'll try it.
Mrs Linda : Oh. You look so beautiful wearing that dress.
Mrs Arly : Really. but I think the red one is proper to me.
Mrs Linda : OK, if it is what you want.
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