Kumpulan Contraction (Singkatan) Dalam Bahasa Inggris
iTapuih.com - Kumpulan Contraction (Singkatan) Dalam Bahasa Inggris. Contraction (Kontraksi) adalah bentuk singkat dari kelompok kata yang biasanya ditandai dengan apostrophe (apostrof). Secara utuh Contraction bisa diartikan sebagai suku kata atau kelompok kata yang telah diringkas menjadi satu yang dibentuk dengan memasukkan apostrof untuk menggantikan salah satu huruf. Contraction pada umumnya digunakan dalam pidato, percakapan sehari-hari, tulisan informal (tulisan harian) dan lain-lain. Berikut saya akan berikan beberapa List of Contraction lengkap dengan contoh.
Kadang-kadang dalam berbagai situasi (writing or speaking) kita sering memperpendek kata. Sebagai contoh, she’s bukan she is, atau they’re bukan they are. Kata-kata ini disebut kontraksi. Berikut ini adalah daftar Contraction dari A sampai Z yang umum digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris.
Bagaimana? saya yakin anda pasti sering menjumpai atau menggunakan beberapa Contraction (Singkatan) tersebut. Untuk lebih jelasnya saya akan berikan beberapa contoh penggunaan Contraction (Singkatan) dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris.
Examples :
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No | English |
ain’t amn’t (rare) | am not |
aren’t | are not |
can’t | can not |
could’ve | could have |
couldn’t | could not |
couldn’t’ve | could not have |
didn’t | did not |
doesn’t | does not |
don’t | do not |
gonna | going to |
gotta | got to / got a |
hadn’t | had not |
hadn’t’ve | he had not have |
hasn’t | has not |
hasn't've | has not have |
haven’t | have not |
he’d | he had / he would |
he'd'n't | he had not / he would not |
he'd'n't've | he had not have / he would not have |
he’d’ve | he would have |
he’ll | he shall / he will |
he’s | he has / he is |
he’sn’t | he has not / he is not |
how’d | how did / how would |
how’ll | how will |
how’s | how has / how is / how does |
I’d | I had / I would |
I'd'n't | I had not / I would not |
I'd'n't've | I had not have / I would not have |
I’d’ve | I would have |
I’ll | I shall / I will |
I’m | I am |
I’ve | I have |
I’ven’t | I have not |
isn’t | is not |
it’d | it had / it would |
it'd'n't | it had not / it would not |
it'd'n't've | it had not have / it would not have |
it’d’ve | it would have |
it’ll | it shall / it will |
it’s | it has / it is |
it’sn’t | it has not / it is not |
let’s | let us |
ma’am | madam |
mightn’t | might not |
mightn’t’ve | might not have |
might’ve | might have |
mustn’t | must not |
mustn't've | must not have |
must’ve | must have |
needn’t | need not |
not’ve | not have |
o’clock | of the clock |
ol’ | old |
oughtn’t | ought not |
oughtn’t've | ought not to have |
shan’t | shall not |
she’d | she had / she would |
she'd'n't | she had not / she would not |
she'd'n't've | she had not have / she would not have |
she’d’ve | she would have |
she’ll | she shall / she will |
she’s | she has / she is |
she’sn’t | she has not / she is not |
should’ve | should have |
shouldn’t | should not |
shouldn’t’ve | should not have |
somebody’d | somebody had / somebody would |
somebody'd'n't | somebody had not / somebody would not |
somebody’d’ve | somebody would have |
somebody’dn’t’ve | somebody had not have / somebody would not have |
somebody’ll | somebody shall / somebody will |
somebody’s | somebody has / somebody is |
someone’d | someone had / someone would |
someone'd'n't | someone had not / someone would not |
someone'd'n't've | someone had not have / someone would not have |
someone’d’ve | someone would have |
someone’ll | someone shall / someone will |
someone’s | someone has / someone is |
something’d | something had / something would |
something'd'n't | something had not / something would not |
something'd'n't've | something had not have / something would not have |
something’d’ve | something would have |
something’ll | something shall / something will |
something’s | something has / something is |
'sup | what's up |
that’ll | that will |
that’s | that has / that is |
there’d | there had / there would |
there'd'n't | there had not / there would not |
there'd'n't've | there had not have / there would not have |
there’d’ve | there would have |
there’re | there are |
there’s | there has / there is |
they’d | they had / they would |
they’dn’t | they had not / they would not |
they’dn’t’ve | they had not have / they would not have |
they’d’ve | they would have |
they’d’ven’t | they would have not |
they’ll | they shall / they will |
they’lln’t’ve | they will not have |
they’ll’ven’t | they will have not |
they’re | they are |
they’ve | they have |
they’ven’t | they have not |
’tis | it is |
’twas | it was |
wanna | want to |
wasn’t | was not |
we’d | we had / we would |
we’d’ve | we would have |
we'd'n't | we had not / we would not |
we’dn’t’ve | we had not have / we would not have |
we’ll | we will |
we’lln’t’ve | we will not have |
we’re | we are |
we’ve | we have |
weren’t | were not |
what'd | what did |
what’ll | what shall / what will |
what’re | what are |
what’s | what has / what is / what does |
what’ve | what have |
when’s | when has / when is |
where’d | where did |
where’s | where has / where is / where does |
where’ve | where have |
who’d | who would / who had / who did |
who’d’ve | who would have |
who’ll | who shall / who will |
who’re | who are |
who’s | who has / who is / who does |
who’ve | who have |
why'd | why did |
why’ll | why will |
why’re | why are |
why’s | why has / why is / why does |
won’t | will not |
won’t’ve | will not have |
would’ve | would have |
wouldn’t | would not |
wouldn’t’ve | would not have |
y’all / ya'll | you all, literally, "ya all" |
y’all’d’ve | you all would have |
y’all’dn’t’ve | you all would not have |
y’all’ll | you all will |
y’all’on’t | you all will not |
y’all’ll’ve | you all will have |
y'all're | you all are |
y’all’ll’ven’t | you all will have not |
you’d | you had / you would |
you’d’ve | you would have |
you’ll | you shall / you will |
you’re | you are |
you’ren’t | you are not |
you’ve | you have |
you’ven’t | you have not |
Bagaimana? saya yakin anda pasti sering menjumpai atau menggunakan beberapa Contraction (Singkatan) tersebut. Untuk lebih jelasnya saya akan berikan beberapa contoh penggunaan Contraction (Singkatan) dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris.
Examples :
I’m ready for a vacation.
Saya siap untuk berlibur.
She ain't hungry today.
Dia tidak lapar hari ini.
We’re staying in this room.
Kami tetap tinggal di ruangan ini
He’s not playing with us.
Dia tidak bermain dengan kami.
We think it's going to rain on Monday.
Menurut saya akan turun hujan pada hari Senin.
Jane couldn't deny that fact.
Jane tidak bisa menyangkal fakta itu.
They’ve thought about going to the concert.
Mereka sudah berpikir tentang pergi ke konser.
You should've waited until morning.
Anda seharusnya sudah menunggu sampai pagi.
What'll you do when your son is born?
Apa yang akan anda lakukan ketika putra anda lahir?
I won't be far away.
Aku tidak akan menjauh.
She ain't hungry today.
Dia tidak lapar hari ini.
We’re staying in this room.
Kami tetap tinggal di ruangan ini
He’s not playing with us.
Dia tidak bermain dengan kami.
We think it's going to rain on Monday.
Menurut saya akan turun hujan pada hari Senin.
Jane couldn't deny that fact.
Jane tidak bisa menyangkal fakta itu.
They’ve thought about going to the concert.
Mereka sudah berpikir tentang pergi ke konser.
You should've waited until morning.
Anda seharusnya sudah menunggu sampai pagi.
What'll you do when your son is born?
Apa yang akan anda lakukan ketika putra anda lahir?
I won't be far away.
Aku tidak akan menjauh.
Sumber https://www.itapuih.com/
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