Expressing Embarrassment Beserta Contoh Soal Terlengkap - Expressing Embarrassment Beserta Contoh Soal Terlengkap. Expressing Embarrassment adalah ungkapan untuk mengungkapkan keadaan emosi ketidaknyaman suatu peristiwa yang menimbulkan rasa malu pada pelaku itu sendiri. Jadi secara defenisi bisa disimpulkan bahwa Expressing Embarrassment merupakan ungkapan rasa malu atau mengekspresikan rasa malu. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang berbagai macam expression yang bisa digunakan ketika kita ingin menceritakan suatu peristiwa yang menimbulkan rasa malu. Untuk setiap situasi tersebut saya juga akan membagikan beberapa dialogue yang bisa digunakan sebagai acuan dalam memahami penggunaan expression tersebut.
I feel ashamed
Oh, My God
Shame on me
I don't feel comfortable
I feel awkward
It’s my embarrassment to…
That’s a real embarrassment
How embarrassing!
What an embarrassment!
I must say that it’s an embarrassment.
What a shame!
That’s shameful
My face must go red
I was extremely shy
I was so ashamed
It really makes me ashamed.
Tell me it never happened.
I was so embarrassed.
Tell me it did not happen.
Shame on me
Don't worry about it.
You may not have such a feeling.
Are you OK?
You must be very ashamed
What’s wrong with you?
I feel sorry to hear that
Contoh Percakapan 1
Contoh Percakapan 2
Exercise: Answer the following questions!
Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 1 and 2)
Diana : sarah, what happen to your face?
Sarah : uhm... I got a little accident. When I was walk on the street yesterday, suddenly I get slipped by the banana peel. Everyone was looking at me and it was so embarrassed.
Diana : Oh my!but how's your leg right now?
Sarah : It's okay...
1. The underlined expression expresses ....
A. Satisfaction
B. Dissatisfaction
C. Happiness
D. Embarrassment
E. Sadness
2. "I get slipped by the banana peel" The underlined word has similar meaning with ....
A. Retrieved
B. Slided
C. Charged
D. Assisted
E. Crushed
Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 3 and 5)
Mr. Teddy: Hi Mr. Iqbal, what happens? You look disappointed.
Mr. Iqbal: It’s nothing. I just check student assignments.
Mr. Teddy: Really? Your face tells me that something is going on.
Mr. Iqbal: Yes, you’re right. Actually, I came late today. The first time for me
Mr. Teddy: It was not a big problem.
Mr. Iqbal: This is a big problem for me _________________ . I always advise students not to come too late, but I did.
Mr. Teddy: Oh.. come on. Teachers also human beings who can make mistakes.
3. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. I'm really upset
B. I don't feel comfortable
C. I’m very unsatisfied
D. I'm glad to make it
E. I was extremely excited
4. From the dialogue we know that ...
A. Mr. Teddy came late today
B. Mr. Teddy was extremely shy
C. Mr. Iqbal came late yesterday
D. Mr. Iqbal always came late to class
E. Mr. Iqbal feel shy to his students
5. Where does this conversation probably take place?
A. Teacher's room
B. Classroom
C. Principal's office
D. Canteen
E. Library
Expressing Embarrassment
I am embarrassedI feel ashamed
Baca Juga
Shame on me
I don't feel comfortable
I feel awkward
It’s my embarrassment to…
That’s a real embarrassment
What an embarrassment!
I must say that it’s an embarrassment.
What a shame!
That’s shameful
My face must go red
I was extremely shy
I was so ashamed
It really makes me ashamed.
Tell me it never happened.
I was so embarrassed.
Tell me it did not happen.
Shame on me
Responding Embarrassment
I don't think it's a big deal.Don't worry about it.
You may not have such a feeling.
Are you OK?
You must be very ashamed
What’s wrong with you?
I feel sorry to hear that
Dony: Today is my bad day
Ruly: Why? What’s wrong?
Dony: I feel down from motorcycle in front of School
Ruly: Really? Are you Ok?
Dony: I am fine, but I feel so embarrassed because my shoes were flying over me and my skirt was torn.
Ruly: You must be very ashamed.
Dony: You right. I felt so ashamed to know that. I don’t feel convenient because there were some girls hanging out.
Ruly: By the way, I watched your match yesterday. That was awesome. You can be a great football player.
Dony: Actually, I can be shy twice today. We lose in that Champion.
Ruly: But, Your team played it very well.
Dony: No. It really makes us ashamed, we lose 5:0. You know, right?
Ruly: What are you talking about? That’s all right. At least you can feel proud having such great match. Your team have represented our school for "Football League Champion Schools".
Ruly: Why? What’s wrong?
Dony: I feel down from motorcycle in front of School
Ruly: Really? Are you Ok?
Dony: I am fine, but I feel so embarrassed because my shoes were flying over me and my skirt was torn.
Ruly: You must be very ashamed.
Dony: You right. I felt so ashamed to know that. I don’t feel convenient because there were some girls hanging out.
Ruly: By the way, I watched your match yesterday. That was awesome. You can be a great football player.
Dony: Actually, I can be shy twice today. We lose in that Champion.
Ruly: But, Your team played it very well.
Dony: No. It really makes us ashamed, we lose 5:0. You know, right?
Ruly: What are you talking about? That’s all right. At least you can feel proud having such great match. Your team have represented our school for "Football League Champion Schools".
Dony: Hari ini adalah hari yang buruk bagi saya
Ruly: Mengapa? Apa yang salah?
Dony: Saya jatuh dari sepeda motor di depan Sekolah
Ruly: Benarkah? Apa kau baik-baik saja?
Dony: Saya baik-baik saja, tapi aku merasa sangat malu karena sepatu saya terbang dan celana saya robek.
Ruly: Kamu pasti sangat malu.
Dony: Kamu benar. Saya merasa sangat malu untuk mengetahui bahwa. Saya tidak merasa nyaman karena ada beberapa perempuan nongkrong.
Ruly: By the way, saya menyaksikan pertandingan kemarin. Yang mengagumkan. Anda bisa menjadi pemain sepak bola yang besar.
Dony: Sebenarnya, saya bisa malu dua kali hari ini. Kami kalah di pertandingan itu.
Ruly: Tapi, tim kalian bermain dengan sangat baik.
Dony: Tidak. Itu benar-benar membuat kami malu, kami kelah 5:0. Kamu tahu, kan?
Ruly: Apa yang kamu bicarakan? Tidak apa-apa. Setidaknya kamu bisa merasa bangga memiliki pertandingan besar tersebut. Tim kalian telah mewakili sekolah kita dalam ajang "Football League Champion Schools".
Ruly: Mengapa? Apa yang salah?
Dony: Saya jatuh dari sepeda motor di depan Sekolah
Ruly: Benarkah? Apa kau baik-baik saja?
Dony: Saya baik-baik saja, tapi aku merasa sangat malu karena sepatu saya terbang dan celana saya robek.
Ruly: Kamu pasti sangat malu.
Dony: Kamu benar. Saya merasa sangat malu untuk mengetahui bahwa. Saya tidak merasa nyaman karena ada beberapa perempuan nongkrong.
Ruly: By the way, saya menyaksikan pertandingan kemarin. Yang mengagumkan. Anda bisa menjadi pemain sepak bola yang besar.
Dony: Sebenarnya, saya bisa malu dua kali hari ini. Kami kalah di pertandingan itu.
Ruly: Tapi, tim kalian bermain dengan sangat baik.
Dony: Tidak. Itu benar-benar membuat kami malu, kami kelah 5:0. Kamu tahu, kan?
Ruly: Apa yang kamu bicarakan? Tidak apa-apa. Setidaknya kamu bisa merasa bangga memiliki pertandingan besar tersebut. Tim kalian telah mewakili sekolah kita dalam ajang "Football League Champion Schools".
Contoh Percakapan 1
Decka: Hi, good morning friend.
Jenny: Hi, morning too.
Decka: This morning is so beautiful, right?
Jenny: I think so. By the way, what happened with you?
Decka: Nothing. Why?
Jenny: You look so different today.
Decka: I feel awkward, I feel embarrassed for the party last night
Jenny: Why? Tell me, please! I will listen to your story.
Decka: But, you must promise to me that you will not laugh my story.
Jenny: I promise, i will not laugh that.
Decka: I don`t read the invitation carefully and I miss the information about the dress code.
Jenny: Really? Then, what happened next?
Decka: I was wearing shirt and jeans pants. In the situation, the guests should wear a tuxedo with a black bow tie.
Jenny: It is really embarrassing. Don`t be sad guys. You made unforgettable experience.
Decka: Thanks friend. You have listened my embarrassment story
Jenny: You are welcome.
Contoh Percakapan 2
Vino: Hi Andy, what happens? You look nervous.
Andy: It’s nothing.
Vino: Really? Your face tells me that something is going on.
Andy: Yes, you’re right. Actually I’ve had an embarrassing experience.
Vino: What is it?
Andy: Well, it was at fashion contest last night
Vino: Was it a disaster?
Andy: Oh, no... not a disaster...
Vino: Go on...give me details...
Andy: When I was on the contest, everyone walked on stage with fashionable style.
Vino: What happened then?
Andy: I'm so nervous when my name is called.
Vino: That’s great. So, why do you look so nervous?
Andy: Yeah, this is my first experience.
Vino: What were you doing?
Andy: I was so ashamed, I fell down in front of the audiences and everyone was laughed at me.
Vino: What a shame! But are you okay? I feel sorry to hear that.
Andy: I'm okay... Thanks.
Exercise: Answer the following questions!
Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 1 and 2)
Diana : sarah, what happen to your face?
Sarah : uhm... I got a little accident. When I was walk on the street yesterday, suddenly I get slipped by the banana peel. Everyone was looking at me and it was so embarrassed.
Diana : Oh my!but how's your leg right now?
Sarah : It's okay...
1. The underlined expression expresses ....
A. Satisfaction
B. Dissatisfaction
C. Happiness
D. Embarrassment
E. Sadness
2. "I get slipped by the banana peel" The underlined word has similar meaning with ....
A. Retrieved
B. Slided
C. Charged
D. Assisted
E. Crushed
Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 3 and 5)
Mr. Teddy: Hi Mr. Iqbal, what happens? You look disappointed.
Mr. Iqbal: It’s nothing. I just check student assignments.
Mr. Teddy: Really? Your face tells me that something is going on.
Mr. Iqbal: Yes, you’re right. Actually, I came late today. The first time for me
Mr. Teddy: It was not a big problem.
Mr. Iqbal: This is a big problem for me _________________ . I always advise students not to come too late, but I did.
Mr. Teddy: Oh.. come on. Teachers also human beings who can make mistakes.
3. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. I'm really upset
B. I don't feel comfortable
C. I’m very unsatisfied
D. I'm glad to make it
E. I was extremely excited
4. From the dialogue we know that ...
A. Mr. Teddy came late today
B. Mr. Teddy was extremely shy
C. Mr. Iqbal came late yesterday
D. Mr. Iqbal always came late to class
E. Mr. Iqbal feel shy to his students
5. Where does this conversation probably take place?
A. Teacher's room
B. Classroom
C. Principal's office
D. Canteen
E. Library
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