Daftar Idiom Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Abjad B

iTapuih.com - Daftar Idiom Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Abjad B. Dalam mempelajari Idiom, hal yang harus dipahami adalah Apakah Idiom itu? Idiom merupakan satuan-satuan bahasa (bisa berupa kata, frase, maupun kalimat) yang maknanya sudah menyatu dan tidak dapat ditafsirkan dengan makna unsur yang membentuknya. Jadi, cara untuk dapat memahaminya adalah dengan mengenal dan menghapalkannya. Berikut ini saya jelaskan beberapa contoh Idiom yang dimulai dari abjad A.

No.Idiom dan ArtinyaExamples
1.Bad mouth

Mengatakan hal yang buruk tentang seseorang You should stop bad-mouthing your brother.
2.Be a piece of cake

Baca Juga

Sangat mudah The English test was a piece of cake.
3.Be about to

Hampir Dony was about to hit his friend.
4.Be afraid of

Takut akan Her daughter is afraid of the darkness and hustle.
5.Be all ears

Tertarik mendengar apa yang dikatakan orang Please speak more slowly and clearly, I’m all ears.
6.Be at loss

Bingung, tak tahu apa yang harus dikerjakan After he broke our relationship, I was at loss.
7.Be at large

Bebas berkeliaran I wonder, Jack misses the time when he was still at large.
8.Be broke

Tak punya uang I can’t join you to go to the movie because I’m broke.
9.Be called to order

Rapat dibuka The party is called to order by the awesome host.
10.Be close up to

Berada dekat Bella was close up to the inviligator during the exam.
11.Be fed up with

Tidak sabar, lelah pada seseorang atau sesuatu I was fed up with her attitude.
12.Be on leave

Sedang cuti If I were on leave, I would visit you in Bali.
13.Be out of work

Sedang menganggur That's a pity, Her father is out of work.
14.Be short of

Kekurangan Their village is short of the clean water supply food storage.
15.Be worn-out

Sangat lelah I’m worn-out after a week training.
16.Bite off more than one can chew

Mengambil tanggungjawab melebihi kesanggupan Working for ten hours per day, Rendy is bitting off more than he can chew.
17.Break a leg!

Semoga beruntung! You have an exam tomorrow? Break a leg!
18.Bring home to

Menyadarkan seseorang The incident has brought home to Rendy about the meaning of friendship.
19.Bring up

Mendidik A teacher has a duty to bring up students both intellectual and moral.

Keras kepala He was bull-headed before married.
21.But for

Kalau tidak karenanya Ovi wouldn’t pass the exam but for her efforts.
22.By all means

Tentu saja By all means, I will support you during the contest.
23.By and by

Pada akhirnya, nantinya He’ll forget his bitter experience by and by.
24.By degrees

Lambat laun, nantinya By degrees, he can realize the true goodness of his partner.
25.By hook or by crook

Tak peduli halal atau haram I decided that I was going to get that job by hook or by crook.
26.By means of

Dengan memakai She always goes to anywhere by means of hair extention.
27.By no means

Sama sekali tidak, jangan I'm by no means angry with you.
28.By the way

Omong-omong By the way, do you know the latest type of Samsung?
29.Bad blood

Perasaan tidak menyenangkan terhadap orang lain There is bad blood between Rose and Jane. 
30.Be a weight off your shoulders

Ketika ada sesuatu yang berat dan bertanggung jawab untuk itu It is a huge weight off my shoulders for me.
31.Bend your ears

Pembicaraan yang membosankan Sorry to bend your ear with the whole story, but I think you ought to know.
32.Bite your tongue

Memaksa diri untuk tidak mengatakan itu I know you want to yell at him, but you’ll just have to bite your tongue.
33.Black and blue

Penuh memar He was beaten black and blue at boarding school.
34.Blue blood

Keturunan bangsawan She often tell her friends that she has blue blood.
35.Be above board

Jujur dan adil The deal was completely above board.
36.Be bouncing off the walls

Kondisi gugup dan bingung The students are bouncing off the walls.
37.Bow and scrap

Sangat rendah hati Please don't bow and scrape. We are all equal here.
38.Brass monkey weather

Cuaca sangat dingin It's brass monkey weather today, isn't it!
39.Be tailor made

Cocok untuk seseorang She is tailor made with him, I guess.
40.Break the ice

Berusaha untuk menjadi teman  He tried to break the ice, but she was a little cold.
41.Be as clear as mud

Mustahil untuk dimengerti His statement is as clear as mud.
42.Be on cloud nine

Sangat bahagia She’s been on cloud nine since she heard the news.
43.Between the devil and deep blue sea

Situasi dimana harus memilih antara dua situasi yang sama-sama tidak menyenangkan Trying to please both his boss and his wife puts him between the devil and the deep blue sea.
44.Be in the doldrums

Menjadi tidak aktif, sangat tenang dan membosankan. She has been in the doldrums these past couple of days
45.Beat the drum

Untuk berbicara dengan penuh semangat The president said he will beat the drum to build public support for his education program.
46.Be on the edge

Menjadi gugup atau khawatir tentang sesuatu When my name is called, I'm on the edge.
47.Be in seventh heaven

Sangat senang Since they got married they've been in seventh heaven.
48.Be at each other's throat

Dua orang yang berdebat dengan marah The neighbors are at each other's throats over who should repair the fence.
49.Batten down the hatches

Untuk mempersiapkan masa-masa sulit Here comes that contentious Mrs. Jones. Batten down the hatches!
50.Back the wrong horse

Mendukung seseorang yang tidak bisa menang I don't want to back the wrong horse.
51.Back to square one

Kembali ke awal Discussions have broken down, and it's back to square one.
52.Back to the salt mines

Kembali kepada sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan It's one o'clock and lunch break is over. Back to the salt mines.
53.Ball of fire

Orang yang penuh ambisi dan bersemangat That boy is a real ball of fire when it faces to test. 
54.Beat one's head against the wall

Mencoba melakukan sesuatu dengan putus asa I want to stop smoking, but I'm beating my head against a brick wall.
55.Bark up the wrong tree

Membuat pilihan yang salah I believe that you are barking up the wrong tree.
56.Beat brains out

Berusaha keras melakukan sesuatu If you think I'm going to beat my brains out to do this, you are crazy.
57.Begin to see the light

Mulai memahami sesuatu My life screwed, I want to begin to see the light.
58.Behind closed doors

Dilakukan secara rahasia They held the meeting behind closed doors.
59.Bet on the wrong horse

Salah membaca masa depan I think that he bet on the wrong horse by investing all of his money into the new stock.
60.Bent on doing

Memutuskan untuk melakukan sesuatu I believe you are bent on doing the entire school.
61.Bite off more than one can chew

Melakukan sesuatu diluar kemampuan She's always biting off more than she can chew.
62.Bite the bullet

Menghadapi situasi yang sulit Jack bit the bullet and accepted what he knew had to be.
63.Bitter pill to swallow

Fakta yang harus diterima It was a bitter pill to swallow when she knew the reality.
64.Black sheep of the family

Anggota keluarga terburuk John is the black sheep of the family, he always in trouble.
65.Blessing in disguise

Membawa hikmah tersendiri Tony's motorcycle accident was a blessing in disguise.
67.Blind leading the blind

Minim pengetahuan tapi mencoba menjelaskan I think, that's a seminar of the blind leading the blind.
68.Blow one's own horn

Memberi pujian Bill meets with a new boss, Bill was blowing his own horn.

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