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Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 1.
Man: Why you so sad?
Woman: My pet is lost, she has been missing for a whole day.
Man: You mean your kitty.
Woman: Yes.
Woman: My pet is lost, she has been missing for a whole day.
Man: You mean your kitty.
1. Narrator: What makes the woman sad?
Pertanyaan "What makes the woman sad?" (Apa yang membuat wanita itu sedih). Si wanita mengatakan I lost my pet, yang membuat wanita tersebut sedih adalah She lost her kitty.
Jawaban: A
Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 2.
Man: Hi Ira, congratulations on your promotion. It's nice to know that you'll be the new branch manager of this Bank. When are you going to Samarinda?
Woman: Reyhan, what a good friend you are. Thank you very much for your support and supposed to go to Samarinda before November 15 this year.
Man: Good luck then.
Woman: Reyhan, what a good friend you are. Thank you very much for your support and supposed to go to Samarinda before November 15 this year.
Man: Good luck then.
2. Narrator: Why did the man congratulate the woman?
Untuk pertanyaan kenapa laki-laki itu mengucapkan selamat kepada wanita? Untuk jawabannya bisa kita lihat pada pernyataan "congratulations on your promotion". Jadi, laki-laki itu memberi selamat kepada wanita karena dia mendapat posisi atau jabatan baru di perusahaan tersebut The woman got a better position in the office.
Jawaban: B
Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 3.
Man: Excuse me, is this seat taken?
Woman: No, please sit down.
Man: By the way, what is the announcement about?
Woman: Flight ticket 505 to Denpasar is delayed.
Woman: No, please sit down.
Man: By the way, what is the announcement about?
Woman: Flight ticket 505 to Denpasar is delayed.
3. Narrator: What does the man ask the woman when he sees her?
Pertanyaan apa yang ditanyakan oleh si laki-laki ketika dia bertemu si wanita. Silaki-laki bertanya "is this seat taken?" Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah dia ingin duduk He wants to sit down.
Jawaban: A
Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 4.
Man: Where should we take a vacation to this year? Let's decide soon.
Woman: Well, I'd like to go somewhere warm. How about the beach or we could rent a cabin by the lake.
Man: I think going to the lake must be better.
Woman: Ok dear.
Woman: Well, I'd like to go somewhere warm. How about the beach or we could rent a cabin by the lake.
Man: I think going to the lake must be better.
Woman: Ok dear.
4. Narrator: What have they decided?
Dijelaskan dalam dialogue, si laki-laki mengatakan "I think going to the lake must be better" dan si wanita menjawab "Ok". Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa mereka telah memutuskan untuk berlibur di danau To camp by the lake.
Jawaban: B
Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat untuk soal No 5.
Man: There will be an English speech delivered by a student during the flag ceremony next Monday.
Woman: Really?
Man: Absolutely, what do you think?
Woman: _________________ .
Woman: Really?
Man: Absolutely, what do you think?
Woman: _________________ .
5. Narrator: What is the best response to the man question?
A. I believe it can improve the student English skill
B. I assume a flag ceremony is important
C. I like English speeches and raising flags
D. I think I can communicate in English
A. I believe it can improve the student English skill
B. I assume a flag ceremony is important
C. I like English speeches and raising flags
D. I think I can communicate in English
Dalam dialogue, si laki-laki meminta pendapat wanita tentang pidato bahasa Inggris yang akan disampaikan siswa pada upacara bendera. Respon yang paling tepat adalah I believe it can improve the student English skill.
Jawaban: A
Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat untuk soal No 6.
Woman: Where have you been? I haven't see you for two days.
Man: I've been sick since last sunday. I've got a terrible cold
Woman: _________________ .
6. Narrator: What is the best response to the man?
A. That's very kind of you
B. How lucky you are
C. I hope you will feel better soon
D. And very grateful to you
Man: I've been sick since last sunday. I've got a terrible cold
Woman: _________________ .
6. Narrator: What is the best response to the man?
A. That's very kind of you
B. How lucky you are
C. I hope you will feel better soon
D. And very grateful to you
Dalam dialogue, si laki-laki mengatakan bahwa dia sakit (demam) "I've got a terrible cold". Respon yang sesuai adalah I hope you will feel better soon.
Jawaban: C
Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat untuk soal No 7.
Woman: The weather is so hot today.
Man: I'll get a mineral water for you, a glass or bottle?
Narrator: Bottle please.
Man: Here you are.
Woman: Opps, I can't open this cap.
Man: I'll get a mineral water for you, a glass or bottle?
Narrator: Bottle please.
Man: Here you are.
Woman: Opps, I can't open this cap.
Man: _______________________ .
7. Narrator: What is the best response to the woman statement?
A. Let's do it
B. May I use it
C. Would you take it
D. Let me do it for you
A. Let's do it
B. May I use it
C. Would you take it
D. Let me do it for you
Dalam dialogue, si wanita mengatakan "I can't open this cap" Ungkapan yang tepat untuk merespon kalimat wanita tersebut adalah Let me do it for you.
Jawaban: D
Perhatikan monologue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 8.
This place is one of the most visited attraction in London as it is a source of fascination for many tourist. The palace is surrounded by parks from three sides St James's Park, Green Park and Hyde Park. There are also 40 acres of gardens on the palace ground complete with the statuary, pool and fountain. Queen Elizabeth's private suites overlooks the Green Park a lovely tree line preserve virtually overflowing with daffodils in the spring.
8. Narrator: Which picture goes with the moologue?
Perhatikan monologue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 9.
8. Narrator: Which picture goes with the moologue?
Kata kunci yang harus diperhatikan dalam monolog tersebut adalah London, palace, parks, garden. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang dimaksud adalah Buckingham Palace atau London Gate. Gambar yang menunjukkan istana adalah Gambar E.
Janwaban: E
Perhatikan monologue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 9.
This funny gentleman is a multi million dollar actor, his ears however you could publish spot from space. It's not all bad for humble, his goofy shaped ears add a certain quality to his comedic performance and sure they're funny looking but, they're also cute. They're good enough to get the most powerful man to play a movie about his life.
9. Narrator: Who does the speaker described?
Perhatikan monologue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 10.
10. Narrator: Which piture goes with the monologue?
11. Narrator: Which picture matches with the description in the monologue?
Selamat belajar, semoga postingan tentang Soal Listening UN SMA 2016 Beserta Pembahasan bisa bermanfaat dan jangan lupa share ya.
9. Narrator: Who does the speaker described?
Kata kunci yang harus diperhatikan dalam monolog tersebut adalah comedic performance, funny and play a movie. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang dimaksud adalah aktor yang bermain dalam film komedi yaitu Jim Carey Gambar D.
Janwaban: D
Perhatikan monologue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 10.
This electronic device is a small light low power electricity usage and less processing power than a bigger laptop. But this is still suitable for word processing, running a web browser and connecting wirelessly to the internet. It refers to small form computers. Such computer has been known by various names including sub-notebook, ultra-portable, mini notebook and also mobile PC. Typically, this device will have a slim down operating system, a smaller than usual screen and very little storage space.
10. Narrator: Which piture goes with the monologue?
Teks monolog diatas membahas tentang electronic device seperti sub-notebook, ultra-portable, mini notebook and also mobile PC. Gambar yang sesuai dengan deskripsi netbook/notebook adalah Gambar E.
Jawaban: E
Perhatikan monologue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 11. The main body of this animal is bluish green in color. It is long and slender with the long face that has black and white on it. The tail can take up more than 40% of the overall body. It has a small bill but it's very sharp at the end of it. The tail can be up to 5 feet in diameter and can weigh up to 13 pounds. The tail is considered a treasured item when people find this animal lying around. It can have up to 200 strands and time to time a few will fall out.
11. Narrator: Which picture matches with the description in the monologue?
Kata kunci yang harus diperhatikan dalam monolog tersebut adalah bluish green, small bill and tail can be up to 5 feet in diameter. Monologue tersebut menjelaskan tentang peacock (merak) Gambar C.
Jawaban: C
Question 12 and 13 are based on the following monologue.
Once upon a time, there was a kingdom named Umbul Wening. A king has a beautiful daughter named Dewi Arum. She liked to swim and could spend hours swimming. One day, the people in the kingdom suffered the terrible illness. One night, the kind had a dream. In his dream, he saw an old man who said the the illness could be healed by a flower in Krenda wahana jungle and Dewi Arum was the only one who could get it.
After a very difficult journey, the princess found the pond but the king got angry with her for going on the journey and cursed her, "you don't deserve to be the princess and live in the palace. You deserve to live here in the pond," said the king. The princess disappeared and in her palace a beautiful flower rose. The king regretted what he had said but it was too late. Then, he brought the flower to the palace and everybody got cured. Till today, people called it the Lotus.
After a very difficult journey, the princess found the pond but the king got angry with her for going on the journey and cursed her, "you don't deserve to be the princess and live in the palace. You deserve to live here in the pond," said the king. The princess disappeared and in her palace a beautiful flower rose. The king regretted what he had said but it was too late. Then, he brought the flower to the palace and everybody got cured. Till today, people called it the Lotus.
12. Narrator: What did the princess Dewi Arum find in the jungle?
Yang di temukan Dewi Arum di hutan adalah the pond (kolam). Jawaban tersebut bisa kita lihat pada bagian "After a very difficult journey, the princess found the pond ..." Jawaban yang tepat adalah A pond.
Jawaban: E
13. Narrator: What was the cure for the illness?
Jawaban bisa kita temukan pada kalimat "he brought the flower to the palace and everybody got cured". Yang menyembuhkan penyakit adalah bunga yang merupakan jelmaan dari Dewi Arum The beautiful flower".
Jawaban: D
Question 14 and 15 are based on the following monologue.
After several days of increased activity, the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has announced that the North Sulawesi mount Lokon erupted at 10.20 a.m on Tuesday. The agency declared areas within a 2.5 kilometer radius from the mountain peak dangerous and urged nearby residents to stay alert.
There are no residential areas within that zone. There might be other eruptions. "We call on the residents to stay calm" the agency spokesman, Sutopo Purwonugroho said in a statement sent to the city post. The agency said the residents living outside the zone do not need to evacuate yet.
There are no residential areas within that zone. There might be other eruptions. "We call on the residents to stay calm" the agency spokesman, Sutopo Purwonugroho said in a statement sent to the city post. The agency said the residents living outside the zone do not need to evacuate yet.
14. Narrator: What is the monologue about?
Dalam teks monolog tesebut membaas meletusnya gunung Lokon. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah The eruption of Mount Lokon.
Jawaban: C
15. Narrator: For whom is the evacuation necessary?
Evakuasi diperlukan bagi penduduk dalam radius 2.5 dari puncak gunung. Jawaban ini ditemukan dalam kalimat "The agency declared areas within a 2.5 kilometer radius from the mountain peak dangerous and urged nearby residents to stay alert". Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah The residents living within 2.5 kilometer radius from the mountain peak.
Janwaban: A
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