- 10 Contoh Soal Advertisement Text dan Kunci Jawaban Terbaru. Advertisement text adalah salah satu jenis text yang bertujuan untuk mengiklankan suatu produk atau jasa. Iklan tersebut mengajak orang-orang yang melihat dan membaca untuk membeli produk atau jasa yang diiklankan tersebut. Dalam artikel ini saya akan membagikan 10 Contoh Soal Advertisement Text dan Kunci Jawaban Terbaru untuk pelajar Sekolah Menengah Pertama kelas 7, 8 atau 9 SMP/MTs. Soal-soal dibawah ini bisa Anda download pada link bagian paling bawah postingan.
Come and visit us this July to celeberate our 10th anniversary and enjoy a lot of surprises. We offer: • Up to 50% discount on dairy products, bakery and fresh meat. • Free food samples, free ice cream, and free gifts. • Trivia Contests to win 10 mobile phones, 10 microwaves, and 10 dekstop computer sets. • Daily live music from 5 to 9 pm. • Weekend suprises.
Visit our website to get more information on all special events in July, or contact us at 7994352.
See you at Crossroad Supermarket at no. 45 Washington Avenue. Bring this flyer and get a free gift at the Customer Service Counter.
1. What is advertised in the flyer?
2. What will a shopper who brings this flyer get?
3. Which one is not mentioned in the flyer?
4. According to the flyer, what should the reader do if they want to get more information?
Read the following text to answer questions number 5 and 6.
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100% money back if you cannot speak English.
Find us on Jalan Botania Jati 11, Nagoya, Batam.
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5. What is the focus of the study at the course?
6. What does the advertisement offer?
Read the following text to answer questions number 7 and 8.
Zui Yan is a natural alcohol-free instant hand sanitizer. It’s unique, non-greasy formula kills 99.99% of known bacteria instantly!
It is formulated with a moisturizing blend of aloe vera, charmomile and lavender exctract. Zui Yan’s gentle foaming formula supplies twice as many aplications as alcohol-based gels.
Available in bottles and wall dispensers Guaranteed not to dry skin-pure and gentle enough for frequent cleansing when soap and water are not available.
7. The text tell you about ….
8. What is the name of the product?
Read the following text to answer questions number 9 and 10.
Book Signing and Sharing Session
Divergent Trilogy
By Veronica Roth
Matraman Bookstore
November 27, 2015 at 01.00 p.m
Buy the Divergent Trilogy
Before November 1, 2015 in Matraman Bookstore
And get free tickets for this event
9. What should we do to get into the event?
10. “Buy the Divergent Trilogy” The underlined word means ….
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