3 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Calling a Friend dan Terjemahannya
iTapuih.com - 3 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang "Calling a Friend" dan Terjemahannya. Conversation adalah suatu bentuk pertukaran informasi atau gagasan dari satu orang kepada orang lain. Conversation merupakan percakapan yang dilakukan seseorang kepada orang lain untuk membahas sesuatu hal yang dianggap penting atau tidak penting sekalipun. Bisa dilakukan oleh 2 orang atau lebih dalam suatu kelompok atau pertemuan. Kali ini saya akan membagikan beberapa contoh conversation (percakapan) yang bisa kita gunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, khususnya percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang "Calling a Friend" berikut ini beberapa contoh percakapan tersebut beserta terjemahannya.
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The First Conversation
Jack: Hello, may I speak to Alice please?
Alice: This is she. How's it going?
Jack: I've been trying to call you all day.
Alice: Sorry about that. I was cleaning up.
Jack: It's okay.
Alice: So what were you calling me about?
Jack: Oh, I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out tomorrow.
Alice: Sure, what did you want to do?
Jack: Maybe we can go see a movie or something.
Alice: That sounds like fun. Let's do it.
Jack: I'll see you tomorrow then.
Alice: See you then. Goodbye.
Alice: This is she. How's it going?
Baca Juga
Alice: Sorry about that. I was cleaning up.
Jack: It's okay.
Alice: So what were you calling me about?
Jack: Oh, I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out tomorrow.
Alice: Sure, what did you want to do?
Alice: That sounds like fun. Let's do it.
Jack: I'll see you tomorrow then.
Alice: See you then. Goodbye.
Terjemahan Percakapan Pertama
Jack: Halo, bolehkah saya berbicara dengan Alice? Alice: Ini saya, Bagaimana kabarmu? Jack: Aku sudah berusaha meneleponmu sepanjang hari. Alice: Maaf soal itu Aku sedang bersih-bersih. Jack: Tidak apa-apa Alice: Jadi ada apa menghubungiku? Jack: Oh, saya hanya ingin tahu apakah Anda ingin nongkrong besok. Alice: Tentu, apa yang ingin kamu lakukan? Jack: Mungkin kita bisa pergi menonton film atau apa. Alice: Kedengarannya menyenangkan. Ayo aku mau. Jack: Sampai ketemu besok. Alice: Sampai jumpa. Selamat tinggal. |
The Second Conversation
Jack: Hi, how are you. Is Alice there?
Alice: Speaking. What's up?
Jack: Why haven't you answered the phone?
Alice: My bad, I had chores to do.
Jack: That's all right.
Alice: What was the reason for your call?
Jack: I want to do something tomorrow with you.
Alice: Sounds good. What did you have in mind?
Jack: I was thinking about seeing a movie.
Alice: Okay, let's go see a movie.
Jack: Until then.
Alice: Talk to you later.
Alice: Speaking. What's up?
Jack: Why haven't you answered the phone?
Alice: My bad, I had chores to do.
Jack: That's all right.
Alice: What was the reason for your call?
Jack: I want to do something tomorrow with you.
Alice: Sounds good. What did you have in mind?
Jack: I was thinking about seeing a movie.
Alice: Okay, let's go see a movie.
Jack: Until then.
Alice: Talk to you later.
Terjemahan Percakapan Kedua
Jack: Hai, apa kabarmu. Apakah Alice ada di sana? Alice: Iya ini yang saya. Ada apa? Jack: Kenapa kamu tidak menjawab telepon? Alice: Saya sibuk, saya harus melakukan pekerjaan. Jack: Tidak apa-apa. Alice: Ada apa menghubungiku? Jack: Saya ingin melakukan sesuatu besok dengan Anda. Alice: Kedengarannya bagus. Apa yang ada dalam pikiranmu? Jack: Saya sedang berpikir untuk menonton film. Alice: Oke, ayo kita pergi ke bioskop. Jack: Sampai ketemu. Alice: Sampai ketemu nanti. |
The Third Conversation
Jack: Is Alice available?
Alice: You're talking to her.
Jack: I've called you a hundred times today.
Alice: I was busy doing something. I apologize.
Jack: No problem.
Alice: Did you need something?
Jack: Did you want to do something tomorrow?
Alice: Is there somewhere special you wanted to go?
Jack: How about a movie?
Alice: A movie sounds good.
Jack: Call me tomorrow then.
Alice: I will see you tomorrow.
Alice: You're talking to her.
Jack: I've called you a hundred times today.
Alice: I was busy doing something. I apologize.
Jack: No problem.
Alice: Did you need something?
Jack: Did you want to do something tomorrow?
Alice: Is there somewhere special you wanted to go?
Jack: How about a movie?
Alice: A movie sounds good.
Jack: Call me tomorrow then.
Alice: I will see you tomorrow.
Terjemahan Percakapan Ketiga
Jack: Apakah Alice ada? Alice: Anda sedang berbicara dengannya. Jack: Aku sudah meneleponmu seratus kali hari ini. Alice: Saya sedang sibuk melakukan sesuatu. Saya minta maaf. Jack: Tidak masalah Alice: Apa kamu butuh sesuatu? Jack: Apakah kamu ingin melakukan sesuatu besok? Alice: Apakah ada tempat khusus yang ingin kamu tuju? Jack: Bagaimana dengan sebuah film? Alice: Sebuah film terdengar bagus. Jack: Hubungi aku besok. Alice: Aku akan menemuimu besok. |
Sumber https://www.itapuih.com/
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