Latihan Tes Bahasa Inggris USM PKN STAN Tahun 2018 Tipe Structure and Written Expression

Saat ini sekolah kedinasan masih menjadi prioritas bagi para siswa khususnya lulusan SMA atau yang sederajat untuk berkuliah. Hal utama yang menjadi motivasi mereka adalah ikatan dinas setelah mereka lulus. Salah satu sekolah kedinasan yang paling populer saat ini adalah PKN STAN. Setiap tahunnya para pendaftar bersaing untuk memperebutkan kursi di sekolah kedinasan ini dengan tingkat persaingan yang semakin tinggi. Mereka akan diuji dengan tahapan tes dari tes potensi akademik sampai dengan tes wawancara. 

Nah, salah satu tahapan tes yang mesti dilalui adalah Tes Bahasa Inggris (TBI) dalam cakupan tes potensi akademik. Tes bahasa Inggris USM PKN STAN berjumlah 60 soal dengan pembagian soal bentuk structure and written expression dan soal reading (--berdasarkan soal pada tahun 2017 yang lalu--)

Soal structure and written expression membutuhkan penguasaan grammar yang baik. Soal structure and written expression ditujukan untuk menguji kemampuan anda dalam mengenali formal written English. Seperti yang kita ketahui, bahwa beberapa hal  dapat diterima dalam bahasa Inggris lisan (spoken English) namun tidak dapat diterima dalam bahasa Inggris tertulis (formal written English). Soal tipe seperti ini mengharuskan kita untuk memilih cara yang tepat dalam setiap kalimat yang dinyatakan dalam setiap pertanyaan. 

Adapun topik yang harus dikuasai adalah tentang Gerund, Parallel Construction, Direct and Indirect Speech, Concord atau agreement, Degree of Comparison, Appositive, Tenses, Participle, Clause, Causative, Subjunctive, Conditional Sentence, Elliptical sentence, Question Tag, dan materi grammar lainnya.

Berikut ini adalah contoh dari soal tipe structure and written expression USM PKN STAN

Soal No. 1
Since there are many complaints about the new products,the company...the products now. 
A. is recalling
B. recalled
C. recalls
D. has recalled
Pembahasan :
Penggunaan adverb of time "now" sehingga menggunakan pola present continuous 
dengan rumus S+ ToBe+ V-ing 
Jawaban : A
Soal No. 2
Our first tour destination in Asia is ... our next destination.
A. farther than
B. the farther than
C. farthest than
D. the farthest than
Pembahasan :
Penggunaan Comparative Degree, dengan ciri- ciri   adj. er/ more adj. + than  
Jawaban : A
Soal No. 3
The little girl is taking care of the puppy with ... affection, and kindness.
A. patient
B. patience
C. patiently
D. patients
Pembahasan :
Penggunaan Parallel Contruction, noun, noun, ... and noun.
Jawaban : B
Soal No. 4
Promoting ...  goods and services, the company salesmen also bid an opportunity to earn some profit.
A. they
B. their
C. its
D. it
Pembahasan :
Penggunaan Dangling Modifier, subyek utama adalah the "company salesmen" === jamak === their
Jawaban : B
Soal No. 5
Hardly ever ... the same word twice alike.
A. the little boy spelled money.
B. did spell the little boy
C. did the little boy spell
D. spelled the little boy
Pembahasan :
Bentuk Inversi, pembalikan susunan seperti kalimat tanya, aux + s + v == did the little boy spell
Jawaban : C
Untuk melatih penguasaan adik- adik terhadap materi- materi yang muncul, berikut ini latihan soal yang bisa dikerjakan secara online. Soal ini saya adopsi dari soal USM PKN STAN tahun 2017 materi structure and written expression sejumlah 30 soal lengkap dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasan materi grammar setiap soal pada bagian bawah latihan.
Langsung saja, berikut latihannya.
Select the correct answer from the four choices given!
1. No sooner ___ at the education fair than the presentation from University of Harvard was over.
we had come
had we come
we come
did we come

2. This ___ statue was made about 100 years ago by Italian sculptor.
brown wooden interesting
wooden interesting brown
interesting brown wooden
interesting wooden brown

3. James Dawson, ___ ,finally became vice president of the company in 1989.
was an administration officer in 1972
an administration officer in 1972
he was an addministration offcer in 1972
whose an administration officer in 1972

4. The airline requires that the passenger ____ his seat belt fastened at all the times during take- off and landing.

5. As soon as the scientist ___ all the data needed, he will start to write his report.
will collect

6. Susan was self reliant and hardly ever ___ any assistance from others.
did she accept
she accepted
was she accepted
she did accept

7. Just because I once got speeding ticket, my parents object to ___ taking the car for even short drives.

8. ___ Vonny always comes late to class annoys the teacher very much

9. ____ for your carelessness, the team would have been safe in the jungle.
Had it been
Had it not been
Has it been
Has it not been

10. Indonesian palm oil production ____ if the government prolonged the forest moratorium.
would be hampered
would have been hampered
will be hampered
was hampered

11. We were going to watch ___ but the review said that it was a flop.
The frighten movie
The frightened movie
The movie frightening
The frightening movie

12. Julia is ___ a multitalented singer that she can both sing and write her own songs.
such as

13. My sister attends two subjects this semester, one is Public administration and ___ is Statistics.
the others
the other

14. By the time Judy finishes her breakfast, we ___ at the apartment.
will arrive
will have arrived
would have finished

15. His suggestion sounds ____ so we decide to put in our proposal.

16. Kate and her children ___ when the police told her that her husband had died of car crash.
broke in
broke up
broke down
broke out

17. The blacksmith gave the ___ sword to the brave knight to defeat monster.

18. Musk ___ are truly arctic animal, well- adapted to their extreme environment.

19. The merchant said that the price of the Indian carpet is a bit ___ than those of the Persian carpet.
the cheapest

20. ___ when his sister walked into the door.
No sooner had he finished dinner
He no sooner had finished dinner
He had finished dinner no sooner
No sooner he had finished dinner

21. ____ between Limpopo and Luvuvhu rivers, Kruger national Park is the ancestral home of the makulele people.
To situate
Having been

22. Winona could not explain why ___ to a convent school.
were her parents sending her
her parents were sending her
did her parents send her
her parents sent her

23. ___ Marijuana is known as an illegal substance in Indonesia. the white Union has been trying to eradicate that misconception.
In spite of

24. The owner of the firm got his new secretary ___ a shareholder meeeting.
to arrange

25. The employees ___ in this bank get not only a raise every year but also health insurance.
have worked

26. As soon as the last passenger ___ into the ship, the gate will be closed.
will get
have got

27. The bus is about to leave, thus let's into the bus, ___ ?
are we?
shall we
shan't we?
aren't we?

28. Madam Levin requires that her employee___ more cooperative in the next meeting.

29. Daniel, accompanied by her parents, ___ going to attend his college graduation ceremony.

30. Han should not risk ___ me to the beach in this terrible weather.
to take
for taking

Score =
Correct answers:

Dan berikut pembahasan soal diatas.
#1 No sooner ___ at the education fair than the presentation from University of Harvard was over.
A. we had come
B. had we come
C. we come
D. did we come
Pembahasan :
Jika kejadian kedua terjadi segera setelah yang pertama, kita bisa menyatakan dengan penggunaan no sooner ... than.
Penerapannya bisa kita inversi-kan seperti pada contoh kalimat ,
No sooner had I arrived at the station than the train came.
atau pada
No sooner had I closed my eyes than I fell asleep.
Maka pada soal diatas, bisa memakai bentuk inversi yaitu seperti pada jawaban B.
#2 This ___ statue was made about 100 years ago by Italian sculptor.
A. brown wooden interesting
B. wooden interesting brown
C. interesting brown wooden
D. interesting wooden brown
Pembahasan :
Materi Noun Phrase
Penggunaan bentuk susunan adjective (adjective order) secara tepat. Susunannya adalah Opinion - size- age - shape - colour - origin - material - purpose. Kata brown termasuk dalam jenis colour, wooden termasuk dalam kategori material dan interesting termasuk dalam kategori purpose. Biasanya kategori purpose berbentuk participle adjective seperti present participle maupun past participle.
#3 James Dawson, ___ ,finally became vice president of the company in 1989.
A. was an administration officer in 1972
B. an administration officer in 1972
C. he was an addministration offcer in 1972
D. whose an administration officer in 1972
Pembahasan :
Materi Appositive Phrase
Appositive Phrase merupakan sekelompok kata yang berfungsi memberikan keterangan tambahan kepada subject dan object.Pada bentuk soal diatas, bentuk appositive phrase nya bertindak sebagai Noun. Pembentukannya adalah sebagai berikut :
James Dawson, who was an administration officer in 1972  ,finally became vice president of the company in 1989.
James Dawson, an administration officer in 1972  ,finally became vice president of the company in 1989.
*** pembahasan lebih lanjut, lihat pembahasan appositive phrase pada blog ini.
#4 The airline requires that the passenger ____ his seat belt fastened at all the times during take- off and landing.
A. keep
B. kept
C. keeps
D. keeping
Pembahasan :
Materi Verbs of Demand
Penggunaan simple verb (v) digunakan pada semua orang dalam sebuah Noun clause sesudah beberapa kata seperti :
demand, insist, require, suggest, recommend, urge, advise, request, be necessary, be required, be essential, be important dan ask (yang berarti permintaan).
Contoh :
The doctor recommended that she have surgery.
I suggest that he be ready on time.
Pada soal diatas, pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah A.
*** Sumber referensi : Peterson's Master TOEFL Writing Skills
#5 As soon as the scientist ___ all the data needed, he will start to write his report.
A. collected
B. collect
C. collects
D. will collect
Pembahasan :
Materi Time Clauses pada simple present - Simple future
Penggunaan simple present tense dalam bentuk future- time clauses yaiyu ketika kejadian akan terjadi di masa akan datang. Biasanya kejadian yang terjadi ditandai dengan penggunaan time clauses "when", "while", "after" , "before", "No sooner" dan sebagainya. Dalam soal ini, kata hubung "No sooner, diikuti oleh kejadian yang lebih dulu terjadi yaitu simple present Tense.
#6 Susan was self reliant and hardly ever ___ any assistance from others.
A. did she accept
B. she accepted
C. was she accepted
D. she did accept
Pembahasan :
Materi Inversi
Bila dalam suatu kalimat menggunakan ungkapan negatif yang menggunakan kata hardly, rarely, scarcely, seldom, never dan ungkapan negatif lainnya, maka bisa diberlakukan aturan inversi.
Contoh :
She hardly ever takes time off.
Hardly ever does she take time off.
Maka jawaban yang benar adalah pada pilihan A
*** Baca Pembahasan mengenai aturan inversi dalam bahasa Inggris di blog ini
#7 Just because I once got speeding ticket, my parents object to ___ taking the car for even short drives.
A. I
B. my
C. me
D. mine
Pembahasan :
Materi Gerund
bentuk possessive pronoun diletakkan sebelum kata benda ( noun). dalam hal ini, gerund merupakan kata benda meskipun dibentuk dari kata kerja. maka pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah my
#8 ___ Vonny always comes late to class annoys the teacher very much
A. if
B. whether
C. That
D. What
Pembahasan :
Materi Noun Clause
Noun Clause dapat berfungsi sebagai subject atau bahkan object. Setiap noun clause yang memiliki subject dan verb, bisa berupa embedded statement atau sebuah embedded question. Dalam soal diatas menggunakan embedded statements yang ditandai dengan penggunaan "that"
#9 ____ for your carelessness, the team would have been safe in the jungle.
A. Had it been
B. Had it not been
C. Has it been
D. Has it not been
Pembahasan :
Bentuk Inversi
Bentuk pengandaian tanpa If dengan menggunakan bentuk inversi atau pembalikan. Kemungkinan jawaban hanyalah pada pilihan A dan B, karena bentuk pengandaian tanpa If bentuk inversi memiliki syarat tertentu yaitu pada bentuk pengandaian tipe 2 dan 3. Jelas pada soal menggunakan bentuk atau tipe pengandaian ketiga. Berdasarkan makna, maka pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah B
#10 Indonesian palm oil production ____ if the government prolonged the forest moratorium.
A. would be hampered
B. would have been hampered
C. will be hampered
D. was hampered
Pembahasan :
Materi Pengandaian (If Clause).
Dari bentuk kalimatnya menggunakan bentuk tipe kedua (IF + Simple past , S + would/ could + V1)  "... if the government prolonged the forest moratorium..." . Maka bentuk isian rumpang yang tepat adalah pilihan A (would be hampered)
#11 We were going to watch ___ but the reiew said that it was a flop.
A. The frighten movie
B. The frightened movie
C. The movie frightening
D. The frightening movie
Pembahasan :
Materi Participles as Adjectives
Bentuk Participle dibagi menjadi dua yaitu Past participle dan Present Participle. Bentuk Past participle bermakna pasif sedangkan bentuk Present Participle bermakna aktif. Dalam soal diatas, v-ing digunakan karena noun atau kata benda menyebabkan aksi, maka pilihan yang benar adalah the frightening movie ( film yang menegangkan)
#12 Julia is ___ a multitalented singer that she can both sing and write her own songs.
A. such
B. very
C. So
D. such as
Pembahasan :
Materi Cause and Effect (So, Such)
Kata so untuk mengindikasikan sebab dan akibat diikuti oleh adjective atau adverb sedangkan kata such diikuti oleh [a + adjective +singular count noun + that]
Dalam soal diatas, yang ddigunakan adalah bentu such.
#13 My sister attends two subjects this semester, one is Public administration and ___ is Statistics.
A. Other
B. another
C. the others
D. the other
Pembahasan :
Materi Other, another, The other, dan The others
Dalam kalimat, dijelaskan bahwa satu yang lain (spesifik) yaitu subjek atau mapel tertentu yang sudah diketahui secara pasti. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah the other.
#14 By the time Judy finishes her breakfast, we ___ at the apartment.
A. will arrive
B. arrive
C. will have arrived
D. would have finished
Pembahasan :
materi Tenses khususnya Future Perfect Tense
Penggunaan time signal By the time, menunjukkan future perfect tense (S + will have + V-3), maka jawaban yang benar adalah pada pilihan C
#15 His suggestion sounds ____ so we decide to put in our proposal.
A. logic
B. logical
C. logics
D. logically
Pembahasan :
Derivative form
Isian rumpang yang tepat dalam soal adalah bentuk adjective, karena terdapat linking verb yaitu kata "sound" maka pilihan yang tepat adalah logical
#16 Kate and her children ___ when the police told her that her husband had died of car crash.
A. broke in
B. broke up
C. broke down
D. broke out
Pembahasan :
Materi Phrasal verb
broke = rusak
broke up = menyudahi hubungan
broke down = kehilangan kontrol dan mulai menangis
broke out = melarikan diri dari
#17 The blacksmith gave the ___ sword to the brave knight to defeat monster.
A. sharpens
B. sharpen
C. sharpening
D. sharpened
Pembahasan :
Materi Participle
Pilihan D adalah jawaban yang tepat untuk mengisikan participle adjective. Sharpened sword berarti pedang yang tajam.
#18 Musk ___ are truly arctic animal, well- adapted tto their extreme environment.
A. ox
B. oxes
C. oxen
D. oxens
Pembahasan :
Bentuk jamak dari ox, adalah oxen
#19 The merchant said that the price of the Indian carpet is a bit ___ than those of the Persian carpet.
A. cheap
B. cheaper
C. cheapest
D. the cheapest
Pembahasan :
Materi Degree of Comparison
Perbandingan menggunakan bentuk comparative ( ... er / more ... + than), dengan ciri- ciri penggunaan kata "than" sehingga pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B
#20 ___ when his sister walked into the door.
A. No sooner had he finished dinner
B. he no sooner had finished dinner
C. he had finished dinner no sooner
D. No sooner he had finished dinner
Pembahasan :
Jika kejadian kedua terjadi segera setelah yang pertama, kita bisa menyatakan dengan penggunaan no sooner ... than.
Penerapannya bisa kita inversi-kan seperti pada contoh kalimat ,
No sooner had I arrived at the station than the train came.
atau pada
No sooner had I closed my eyes than I fell asleep.

Maka pada soal diatas, bisa memakai bentuk inversi yaitu seperti pada jawaban A.
#21 ____ between Limpopo and Luvuvhu rivers, Kruger national Park is the ancestral home of the makulele people.
A. Situating
B. situated
C. To situate
D. having been
Pembahasan :
Materi Participle
Bentuk Participle yang tepat untuk soal diatas adalah pilihan B, situated
#22Winona could not explain why ___ to a convent school.
A. were her parents sending her
B. her parents were sending her
C. did her parents send her
D. her parents sent her
Pembahasan :
Bentuk Noun Clause
Bentuk Noun Clause biasanya didahului oleh bentuk kata tanya, what, where, when, why, which, maupun how diikuti oleh subjectt dan predikat. Maka pilihan yang tepat adalah D
#23___ Marijuana is known as an illegal substance in Indonesia. the white Union has been trying to eradicate that misconception.
A. In spite of
B. Despite
C. Although
D. Because
Pembahasan :
Materi Inspite of, despite dan although.
Inspite of, despite diikuti oleh Noun/ noun phrase, sedangkan although diikuti oleh clausa. Maka pilihan yang tepat adalah C, although.
#24 The owner of the firm got his new secretary ___ a shareholder meetting.
A. arrange
B. arranging
C. arranged
D. to arrange
Pembahasan :
materi causative
Bentuk Help Have make Let + subject + base verb
Bentuk get + subject + to infinitive
dalam soal yang digunakan adalah bentuk Get , maka pilihan D adalah jawaban yang tepat.
#25 The employees ___ in this bank get not only a raise every year but also health insurance.
A. work
B. working
C. worked
D. have worked
Pembahasan :
Materi Adjective Phrase
Reduksi dari bentuk adjective clause menjadi adjective phrase dengan menghilangkan beberapa kata tertentu. Prosesnya adalah
The employees who work in this bank get not only a raise every year but also health insurance.
The employees working in this bank get not only a raise every year but also health insurance.
#26 As soon as the last passenger ___ into the ship, the gate will be closed.
A. gets
B. got
C. will get
D. have got
Pembahasan :
materi Time Clauses simple present - Simple future
Kejadian yang saling berurutan yang terjadi pada masa sekarag dan masa akan datang. Biasa kejadian yang berurutan ditandai dengan penggunaan kata hubung "after" , "before", "No sooner" dan sebagainya. Dalam soal ini, kata hubung "No sooner, diikuti oleh kejadian yang lebih dulu terjadi yaitu simple present Tense.
#27 The bus is  about to leave, thus let's into the bus, ___ ?
A. are we?
B. shall we
C. shan't we?
D. aren't we?
Pembahasan :
Materi Question tag
Bentuk Let's memiliki question tag "shall we"
#28 Madam levin requires that her employee___ more cooperative in the next meeting.
A. is
B. be
C. are
D. being
Pembahasan :
Materi Verbs of Demand
Penggunaan simple verb (v) digunakan pada semua orang dalam sebuah Noun clause sesudah beberapa kata seperti :
demand, insist, require, suggest, recommend, urge, advise, request, be necessary, be required, be essential, be important dan ask (yang berarti permintaan).
Contoh :
The doctor recommended that she have surgery.
I suggest that he be ready on time.
Pada soal diatas, pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah B.
*** Sumber referensi : Peterson's Master TOEFL Writing Skills
#29 Daniel, accompanied by her parents, ___ going to attend his college graduation ceremony.
A. is
B. are
C. were
D. was
Pembahasan :
Subject verb agreement
Subject yang dimaksud adalah Daniel (tunggal) maka bentuk Be yang digunakan adalah "is"
#30 Han should not risk ___ me to the beach in this terrible weather.
A. take
B. taking
C. to take
D. for taking
Pembahasan :
Materi Gerund
Penggunaan Gerund dalam kalimat. Gerund adalah bentuk kata benda yang berasal dari kata kerja dengan penambahan bentuk v-ing Beberapa kata tertentu harus diikuti oleh Gerund, termasuk kata "risk"
Demikian latihan tes bahasa Inggris USM PKN STAN tahun 2018 lengkap dengan pembahasan. Semoga memberikan manfaat bagi adik- adik yang ingin melanjutkan ke sekolah kedinasan khususnya STAN. Mohon maaf bila ada kekurangan dalam membahas setiap soal dan materi. 

Semoga bermanfaat.


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