Kumpulan Soal Recount Text SMA dan Pembahasan
iTapuih.com - Kumpulan Soal Recount Text SMA dan Pembahasan. Recount Text adalah salah satu jenis teks yang menceritakan tentang peristiwa atau kejadian yang sudah terjadi di masa lalu. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan membagikan tentang Kumpulan Contoh Soal Recount Text Untuk SMA dan Pembahasan. Kumpulan soal Recount Text berikut ini saya kumpulkan dari berbagai naskah soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMA. Untuk lebih jelasnya Anda bisa kunjungi link berikut ini Pembahasan Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMP dan SMA (2009-2017) Semoga kumpulan soal-soal berikut ini dapat membantu kita untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam Bahasa Inggris.
The following text is for questions 1 and 3.
The following text is for questions 4 to 6.
The following text is for questions 7 to 9.
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I usually woke up at 8 a.m. and went to the press center to check the daily schedule of briefings and press conferences, usually held by the United Nations officials or disaster mitigation team chief, Alwi Shihab.
It was challenging to visit different refugee camps to find soft stories, human interest stories. Then, I went back to the press center in between to cover the press conferences of the day.
It was heart breaking when I saw these survivors fight for food and secondhand clothing, which they said were limited and inadequate. Emerging to a glaring, full noon, it was time to go back to the press center to write stories and race against time, always fearing that the internet connection would come crashing down.
And after everything was done, only then I remembered to eat. Most times, I only ate once a day because you always had to rush and it was difficult to find food. You had to travel quite far, about a 30-to 45-minute trip by car to find fresh food.
Baca Juga
It was challenging to visit different refugee camps to find soft stories, human interest stories. Then, I went back to the press center in between to cover the press conferences of the day.
It was heart breaking when I saw these survivors fight for food and secondhand clothing, which they said were limited and inadequate. Emerging to a glaring, full noon, it was time to go back to the press center to write stories and race against time, always fearing that the internet connection would come crashing down.
And after everything was done, only then I remembered to eat. Most times, I only ate once a day because you always had to rush and it was difficult to find food. You had to travel quite far, about a 30-to 45-minute trip by car to find fresh food.
1. How often did the writer eat a day .... |
2. " ........ mitigation team chief Alwi Shihab ." (Paragraph 1) The synonym of the underlined word is .... |
3. What is the writer's occupation .... |
Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 1 sampai 3.
1. Pada paragraf terakhir, “I only ate once a day because you always had to rush and it was difficult to find food". Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah satu kali Once.
Jawaban: E
2. Persamaan yang lepat untuk kata "mitigation" (peringanan) adalah Reliever.
Jawaban: C
3. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah seorang jurnalis. bisa diteliti dari kata, keyword, press conference, finding soft story, fearing that the internet connection yang mempakan dunia dari jurnalistik. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah A journalist.
Jawaban: C
1. Pada paragraf terakhir, “I only ate once a day because you always had to rush and it was difficult to find food". Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah satu kali Once.
Jawaban: E
2. Persamaan yang lepat untuk kata "mitigation" (peringanan) adalah Reliever.
Jawaban: C
3. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah seorang jurnalis. bisa diteliti dari kata, keyword, press conference, finding soft story, fearing that the internet connection yang mempakan dunia dari jurnalistik. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah A journalist.
Jawaban: C
The following text is for questions 4 to 6.
Ryan, my roommate, and I had a great weekend. Last Saturday we got up early and had a big breakfast. Then we took the bus to go downtown and went to an art museum. The museum opened at nine o’clock and we stayed there all morning.
We saw some beautiful paintings. We had a guide who explained everything to us. I liked all the art, but Ryan didn’t like the modern art very much. I bought copies of two paintings. I’m going to put them on the wall of my bedroom.
At one o’clock, we were hungry so we had lunch at the museum cafeteria. After lunch, we took a walk in the park near the museum. We went home at five o’clock. We were very tired, but we had a good time. On Sunday we stayed home and studied.
We saw some beautiful paintings. We had a guide who explained everything to us. I liked all the art, but Ryan didn’t like the modern art very much. I bought copies of two paintings. I’m going to put them on the wall of my bedroom.
At one o’clock, we were hungry so we had lunch at the museum cafeteria. After lunch, we took a walk in the park near the museum. We went home at five o’clock. We were very tired, but we had a good time. On Sunday we stayed home and studied.
4. What did the writer and his roommate do last weekend? |
5. The main idea of the second paragraph is .... |
6. Which of the following you don’t agree with about Ryan? |
Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 4 dan 6.
4. Pertanyaan "What did the writer and his roommate do last weekend?" (Apa yang dilakukan penulis dan teman sekamarnya diakhir pekan lalu) Yang dilakukan penulis adalah pergi ke museum seni They went to an art museum.
Jawaban: B
5. Ide pokok paragraf kedua adalah The writer liked all the art displayed at the museum.
Jawaban: C
6. Pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan Ryan adalah Ryan liked all the art displayed.
Jawaban: A
4. Pertanyaan "What did the writer and his roommate do last weekend?" (Apa yang dilakukan penulis dan teman sekamarnya diakhir pekan lalu) Yang dilakukan penulis adalah pergi ke museum seni They went to an art museum.
Jawaban: B
5. Ide pokok paragraf kedua adalah The writer liked all the art displayed at the museum.
Jawaban: C
6. Pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan Ryan adalah Ryan liked all the art displayed.
Jawaban: A
The following text is for questions 7 to 9.
I’ll never forget May 3, 1990, the dat Tien- Tien came into our lives. Ahong , the wife of my youngest brother Ajing, gave birth after a very difficult labour of five hours. We already had a name for the baby before she was born. She would be called Tien-Tien which meant ‘sweetness’.
As we waited at the hospital, our joy quickly turned to grief when the attending physician announced that he could detect no signs of life in Tien-Tien. There was no breathing, no heartbeat, so he finally declared the baby dead.
Ajing decide to lay the body next to the Taizi River. To outsiders, this might be strange: to us, a Chinese family with almost no money or resources, the prospect of encouraging the baby’s spirit slip away to a better world in a beautiful setting made a great deal of sense. We planned to return later to bury Tien-Tien’s remains and pay honour to her.
Ajing wrapped his child in a red fl oral quilt and set off for the river. He gently laid his baby in a patch of grass along the bank of the river.
A week later, while I was walking home from work, I overheard several women talking about one of her friends. They said their friend heard a baby crying and the sound came from a patch of grass along the river bank. They further explained that the baby had been placed in a local orphanage.
Something inside me said it must have been Tien-Tien. Without waiting any longer, I ran to the orphanage. In the room I saw Tien-Tien in a crib covered in dirt but very much alive.
As we waited at the hospital, our joy quickly turned to grief when the attending physician announced that he could detect no signs of life in Tien-Tien. There was no breathing, no heartbeat, so he finally declared the baby dead.
Ajing decide to lay the body next to the Taizi River. To outsiders, this might be strange: to us, a Chinese family with almost no money or resources, the prospect of encouraging the baby’s spirit slip away to a better world in a beautiful setting made a great deal of sense. We planned to return later to bury Tien-Tien’s remains and pay honour to her.
Ajing wrapped his child in a red fl oral quilt and set off for the river. He gently laid his baby in a patch of grass along the bank of the river.
A week later, while I was walking home from work, I overheard several women talking about one of her friends. They said their friend heard a baby crying and the sound came from a patch of grass along the river bank. They further explained that the baby had been placed in a local orphanage.
Something inside me said it must have been Tien-Tien. Without waiting any longer, I ran to the orphanage. In the room I saw Tien-Tien in a crib covered in dirt but very much alive.
7. What is the best title for the text? |
8. Why did they suddenly become unhappy? |
9. From paragraph 3, we can conclude that …. |
Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 7 dan 9.
7. Judul yang paling cocok adalah ini karena dalam cerita si Ajing pada akhirnya menemukan seorang bayi di dekat sungai. Maka, judul yang tepat adalah The baby by the river.
Jawaban. D
8. Dalam cerita disebutkan “physician announced that he could detect no signs of life in Tien-Tien (baby)” yang artinya bahwa tidak terdeteksi kehidupan pada Tien-Tien. Jawabannya adalah The baby had no sign of life.
Jawaban: D
9. Dalam teks diceritakan bahwa Ajiang berasal dari keluarga yang tidak mempunyai uang “a Chinese family with almost no money or resources.” Jadi, kesimpulannya Ajing berasal dari keluarga yang miskin, Ajiang came from a poor family.
Jawaban: A
7. Judul yang paling cocok adalah ini karena dalam cerita si Ajing pada akhirnya menemukan seorang bayi di dekat sungai. Maka, judul yang tepat adalah The baby by the river.
Jawaban. D
8. Dalam cerita disebutkan “physician announced that he could detect no signs of life in Tien-Tien (baby)” yang artinya bahwa tidak terdeteksi kehidupan pada Tien-Tien. Jawabannya adalah The baby had no sign of life.
Jawaban: D
9. Dalam teks diceritakan bahwa Ajiang berasal dari keluarga yang tidak mempunyai uang “a Chinese family with almost no money or resources.” Jadi, kesimpulannya Ajing berasal dari keluarga yang miskin, Ajiang came from a poor family.
Jawaban: A
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