Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan Teks Announcement Bahasa Inggris

Announcement text merupakan sebuah teks yang bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca atau pendengar perihal sesuatu kegiatan atau aktifitas yang sudah dilaksanakan atau akan dilaksanakan. Announcement text biasa disebut sebagai teks pengumuman, bisa berbentuk pengumuman lesan ataupun tertulis. Biasanya teks ini diperdengarkan atau ditemukan dalam tempat- tempat umum (public places) seperti stasiun kereta, bandara, terminal atau bahkan di sekolah. 

Dalam soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris, announcement text merupakan salah satu teks yang disebuat dalam kisi- kisi ujian nasional. Meskipun tergolong dalam teks pendek, pemahaman akan teks ini menjadi kunci dalam menjawab soal dengan benar, apalagi soal sudah menerapkan sistem soal bertipe HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill). 

Untuk mengasah kemampuan dalam menyelesaikan soal bahasa Inggris tipe teks announcement , berikut saya sajikan sepuluh soal yang bisa dijadikan latihan untuk dikerjakan secara online. 

Langsung saja, berikut latihannya.

February 24, is the registration deadline for the second semester. Complete your registration form in the Administrative office on the second floor from 9.00 A.M to 2.00 P.M. Payment will be serviced at the time of registration. You may use credit card, money order, or cash to be your payment methods. We don’t accept personal checks to process the payment.

1. What is the announcement about?
The registration for the second semester
Completion of registration form
The way to complete the registration form
Payment methods of registration
Time limit for registration to the second semester

2. What will probably happen if a student doesn’t complete his/ her registration by February 24?
The student will not be allowed to register
The student will receive bill notification in the letter
The student will be allowed to follow next semester class
The student can pay after the deadline time
The student will pay extra

Because of construction work, Park Street Station is closed. All passengers for Park Street Station will have to exit the train at Center Station. Bus service is available at Center station to carry passengers to Park Street. After exiting the station, please line up the curb for a bus. Please avoid crowding. Buses will leave frequently, but there may be some delays because of street traffic. We are sorry for the inconvenience. The station is scheduled to reopen in three weeks. Thank you for your cooperation.

3. Where would this announcement be posted?
In a railway station
In a restroom
In a bus station
In a park
In an airport

4. From the text we may know that ….
Park Street Station will be closed for a month
Passengers are suggested to take bus after exiting the station
Because of street traffic, passengers will be late to work for hours
Bus Services is available once a day
Passengers are allowed to wait for the bus everywhere

5. “After exiting the station, please line up the curb for a bus …”
The word "line up" has similar meaning to ….


The fifth annual Center City Job Fair will take place this coming Saturday at the Royal Hotel from 11:30 until 4:00. Representatives from more than 100 companies will be on hand to talk with you about career opportunities in their fields. Preliminary job application forms will be available, and attendees are advised to bring up to 25 copies of their resume. Throughout the day special seminars will be offered on topics such as The Successful Job Interview, Write a Winning Resume, and Dressing for Business Success. Admission is just $10, and tickets will be available at the door. Don't miss the event that the Center City Daily newspaper has called " the best job fair in the country."

6. The announcement is mainly talking about ….
Job application
The day special seminar
Job fair in the Center City
Job interview
Career opportunities

7. What should people bring to the event?
Tickets of the Job fair
The recent newspaper
Applications forms
Invitation from the fair

Celebrating its 71st anniversary on September 28, 2016 PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) held KAI Anniversary Promo. This promotion is for the provision of cheap rates for Rp 28,945.00 for long-distance trains and medium commercial. There are cheap fares on some seats for trains to various destinations.
This promo tariffs imposed on ticket bookings starting on 24 to 29 September 2016 for a departure on the 27th until the 29th of September, 2016.
Promo ticket reservations can only be made through the contact centre 121, KAI Access application, and Promo tickets cannot be booked through the counter station, agents, external channel, and also vending machines. If this promo tickets cancelled, it cannot be refunded.
8. What is the writer's intention to write the text?
To announce the launching of the new ticket reservation site
To announce the 71st anniversary of PT KAI
To announce the long- and medium-distance fare
To announce the special fare on PT KAI’s anniversary
To announce the places to make train ticket reservation

9. What will happen if a person cancel his/her promo ticket?
He/she will get full refund
He/she cannot get into the train
He/she will not have any repayment
He/she cannot take long-distance trains
He/she will have to pay another ticket to go

10. How do people buy the promo ticket?
By making reservation on 24 to 29 September
By booking it at the counter station
By installing KAI Access application
By calling the nearest train station
By visiting

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