Latihan Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA Kurikulum 2013

Tidak lama lagi akhir tahun pelajaran akan berganti. Salah satu agenda rutin dalam menjelang pergantian tahun adalah penilaian akhir tahun pelajaran. Penilaian akhir tahun pada satuan pendidikan dilakukan sebagai proses pengumpulan dan pengolahan informasi untuk mengukur pencapaian hasil belajar peserta didik ke tingkat selanjutnya. 

Penilaian akhir tahun  yang juga sering disebut juga dengan ulangan kenaikan kelas (UKK) tersebut memberikan tolak ukur pencapaian kompetensi siswa selama satu tahun pelajaran. Karenanya mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal adalah sebuah keharusan bagi setiap siswa. 
source : Pixabay

Salah satu mapel yang mesti dipersiapkan adalah bahasa Inggris. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal dalam UKK Bahasa Inggris maka mesti berlatih secara intensif. Salah satu jalannya adalah dengan memperbanyak latihan soal- soal yang relevan dengan apa yang diajarkan atau sesuai dengan silabus.

Ngomong- ngomong mengenai latihan bahasa Inggris untuk UKK, berikut ini sebagai pelengkap adik- adik kelas X SMA dalam mempersiapkan ujian yang akan dilaksanakan sebentar lagi. Latihan soal bisa dikerjakan secara online dengan skor yang akan langsung muncul setelah mengerjakan soal latihan. Oke langsung saja, berikut latihan soalnya,

Latihan soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA Kurikulum 2013

The following text is for questions 1 to 5.
Long time ago, there was no day. It was always dark and always summer. This was because the Kachina, a very powerful people had stolen the sun and the moon and locked them away in box. In the dim light Coyote and Eagle, two friends went to desert.
Coyote and Eagle had always hunted together, but Coyote could not hunt anymore because he could not see at night. Coyote suggested that they go to find the sun and the moon and make them light up the world. Eagle was worried. He reminded Coyote that the sun and the moon were very strong and it was dangerous to try to trick them.
In the end, Eagle agreed to help Coyote. While the Kachina were sleeping, Coyote and Eagle crept into their village, stole the sun and the moon, and headed into the hills.
Coyote told Eagle that he wanted to open the box containing the sun and the moon. Eagle said “no”, they must wait until after their travels and open it with their eyes closed. Coyote grumbled. He couldn’t wait to see what was in the box.
Finally he grew so curious that he threw it open. The light of the sun was so bright that it blinded Coyote’s eyes. The sun and the moon laughed and flew far away, up into the sky, where they are today.

1. What is the text about?
The Kachina was a very powerful man
Why there was no day
The Kachina had stolen the sun and the moon
The day was always summer and always dark
The beginning story the sun and the moon lived in the sky

2. “…two friends wandered desert” (paragraph 1). The underlined word means … .
traveled around the place with special directions
went from place to place without any purpose
went for a walk to get pleasure

3. Coyote steal the Sun and the Moon back because … .
The Kachina were sleeping
The Kachina had stolen them
He know the Kachina locked them in a box
He always hunted with his friend, Eagle
He could not hunt anymore because he could not see at night

4. What is the purpose of the text?
to describe the sun and the moon
to entertain the readers
to present the old story
to explain the sun and the moon
to persuade the readers about this story

5. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text?
Coyote could hunt although there was no day
The Kachina locked the Sun and the Moon in a box
Coyote stole the Sun and the Moon in the dim light
Coyote headed the Sun and the Moon in their village
The Kachina threw away the Sun and the Moon to the sky

The following text is for questions 6 to 8.
It was my birthday last Sunday. My mother bought me a birthday cake and held a party for me. I invited all my cousins and some of my friends. All of them came with presents in their hands.
I was very excited all day. I kept jumping about for joy. When the party was over, I sat on the floor with all the presents around me. Then, I opened them one by one.
There was a big box of crayons with twenty four different colors. Then there was a pretty doll which could sing and cry. I gave it to my two little sisters to play with. Both of them were very happy that they danced around. I kept the rest of my presents, a tea set, three story books, another doll and some colorful ribbons. My birthday was really a very happy day for all of us.

6. What is the most suitable title for the text?
My joyful day
My birthday
My pleasant day
My sweet memory
Unforgetable experience

7. How did the writer feel in her birthday?

8. Where might the party take place?
at a hotel
at home
at a park
at a hall
at school

The following text is for questions 9 to 13.
There was a fisherman who lived in Batak Land. His name was Batara Guru Sahala. When he was angling, he caught a fish. He was surprised to find that fish because the fish could talk and it begged to set it free. He did accordingly.
After getting free, the fish changed into a beautiful woman and Sahala fell in love with her. Sahala asked her to marry him and the woman received him. However, she asked his promised not to tell anyone the secret that she was once a fish. They were very happily married, and got two daughters.
It was a pity on Sahala. One day when he got very angry with his daughters, he forgot his promise and he broke it. He told his daughters that they were the daughters of a fish.
His wife could not forgive him. Suddenly, the earth began to shake and volcanoes started to erupt. The earth cracked and formed a big hole. People said that the hole became Lake Toba.

9. What is the purpose of the text?
To describe the ballads
To retell the past event
To explain what the Princess did
To entertain the readers with the legendof Lake Toba
To show the sad ending of the Sahala’s life

10. The text mainly discusses about _____
The Legend of Lake Toba
The Batara Guru Sahala’s life
The Marriage of Sahala with A Fish
The Broken Promise of Sahala
The Earthquake and Volcano’s Eruption

11. “He did accordingly”. (the last sentence of paragraph 1) The statement means........
He caught the fish
The fish could talk
He set the fish free
The fish changed into a beautiful woman.
He married the beautiful woman who once a fish

12. What was the Sahala’s promise to the woman?
He would set her free
He would treat her
He would marry her
He would take care of her daughters
He would not to tell anyone the secret that she was once a fish

13. Why did Sahala break his promise?
He didn’t love anymore
He got very angry with his daughter
He was too tired
The daughter was very annoying
He was an unbelievable man

The following text is for questions 14 to 18.
Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple compound in Central Java in Indonesia, located approximately 18 km east of Yogyakarta.
The temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the largest Hindu temples in south-east Asia. It is characterized by its tall and pointed architecture, typical of Hindu temple architecture, and by the 47m high central building inside a large complex of individual temples.
It was built around 850 CE by either Rakai Pikatan, king of the second Mataram dynasty, or Balitung Maha Sambu, during the Sanjaya Dynasty. Not long after its construction, the temple was abandoned and began to deteriorate. Reconstruction of the compound began in 1918. The main building was completed in around 1953. Much of the original stonework has been stolen and reused at remote construction sites. A temple will only be rebuilt if at least 75% of the original stones are available, and therefore only the foundation walls of most of the smaller shrines are now visible and with no plans for their reconstruction.
The temple was damaged during the earthquake in Java in 2006. Early photos suggest that although the complex appears to be structurally intact, damage is significant. Large pieces of debris, including carvings, were scattered over the ground. The temple has been closed to the public until damage can be fully assessed. The head of Yogyakarta Archaeological Conservation Agency stated that: “it will take months to identify the precise damage”. However, some weeks later in 2006 the site re-opened for visitors. The immediate surroundings of the Hindu temples remain off-limits for safety reasons.

14. The purpose of the text is to __________
describe prambanan temple
tell the history of prambanan temple
inform the location of prambanan temple
describe how prambanan temple was built
retell the reconstruction of prambanan temple by UNESCO

15. The following characteristics are TRUE about the Prambanan temple, except ____
It was built in around 1918
It has tall and pointed architecture
It has typical of Hindu temple architecture
It is one of the largest Hindu temples in Indonesia
It has 47 m high central building inside a large complex of individual temples.

16. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
The reconstruction of Prambanan temple
Prambanan temple was damaged by earthquake in 2006
The closing of Prambanan temple for the visitors
The identification of damage to the temple after earthquake
The reasons to renovate Prambanan temple

17. “Not long after its construction, the temple was abandoned and began to deteriorate.” The word "deteriorate" can be replaced with _____
become worse
break down

18. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
Prambanan temple is the largest Budha temple compound in Central Java in Indonesia
Not long after its construction, the temple was destroyed and began to ruin
The reconstruction of the main building was completed in around 1953
All of the original stones of the temple are still available and it could be reconstructed completely
Despite of the damage by earthquake in 2006, the temple was always open for the visitors

The following text is for questions 19 to 22.
SURABAYA: Padi front man Andi “Fadly”Arifuddin has joined the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) to support the “One Thousand Rupiahs for the Mudflow Children Friendship”.
The program aims to raise funds for children whose families are victims of the Lapindo mudflow.
“The children of the mudflow victims must continue their education even though their parents have lost their jobs due to the hot mudflow. What I am doing now is out of conscience because these children of mudflow victims are future leaders of this nation,” Fadli said Friday.
“I, together with Melani Soebono, Rindra Risyanto Noor [Padi bassist] and Roy Jeconiah [Boomerang vocalist], have formed the Ring of Fire community,” he said. He added that the community had recorded an album that features Tony Q. Rastafara, Sujiwo Tedjo and the late Frangky Sahilatuhua.
“In the album, I tell a story about the deforestation in Kalimantan. I also plan to write a song about the children of the mudflow victims,” he said.

19. What is the news about?
Celebrities joined the Indonesian Forum for the Environment
The program to raise funds for children of the mudflow victims
Padi vocalist “Fadly” reaches out to children of the mudflow victims.
Padi vocalist’s plan to write a song about the children of the mudflow victims
The support to the “One Thousand Rupiahs for the Mudflow Children Friendship

20. What is the purpose of the “One Thousand Rupiahs for the Mudflow Children Friendship” program?
To remind people about the deforestation in Kalimantan
To join the Indonesian Forum for the Environment(WaIhi)
To raise funds for children of the Lapindo mudflow victims
To form the Ring of Fire community for the Lapindo mudflow victims
To get funds by writing a song about the children of the mudflow victims

21. Why Fadly is willing to join the program? Because ...
He does it together with his celebrity friends
He is out of conscience to support the program
He knows that the aims of the program is to raise funds
He had a plan to write a song about the children of the mudflow victims
He realizes that children of mudflow victims are future leaders of this nation

22. “The program aims to raise funds for children whose families are victims of the Lapindo mudflow.” (Paragraph 2) The word "raise" is synonymous with ....
look for

Text to answer number 23 to 25.

A unique entertainment awaits you
A special show starts at 3.30 p.m.
For an hour you will witness

 Crocodiles cleaned up, pacified and persuaded round dance to music
 A python grappling with a man, coiling round, trying to crush him, but defeated and help up height.

Come all, come and see it now.
Gather at the poolside
You can visit our Ghost House later.


23. What time will the show end?
3.45 p.m.
4.00 p.m.
4.30 p.m.
5.00 p.m.
5.30 p.m.

24. Why does the writer release the text?
To gain attention
To describe a particular animal
To retell the events shown by the entertainment
To persuade readers to see the entertainment
To entertain readers and friends with the entertainment

25. "Come all, come and see it now." The word "it" refers to ____.
The entertainment
The ghost house
The poolside
The python
The crocodiles

For questions 26 to 30 complete the missing words!
Every day, more and more ...26... is thrown from cars. It is time you do something about it and you can help.
Drivers like to throw away rubbish out of the cars. They often neglect the ....27.... of the environment. Drivers need to set a good example to children. This can ...28.... by having a rubbish bag in the car. Any rubbish would be placed in the bag ....29... put into a bin at the end of the journey. Make sure you have a garbage bag in your car. This is one of the ways that we can do to ...30... the environment clean.

A. smoke
B. rubbish
C. petrol
D. exhaust
E. passenger

A. balance
B. beauty
C. ecosystem
D. condition
E. cleanliness

A. do
B. does
C. did
D. to do
E. be done

A. after
B. before
C. then
D. finally
E. next

A. keep
B. care
C. improve
D. increase
E. develop

Rindu : Mom, I am nominated in the singing contest
Mama : Really! You are great, dear.
The utterance "Really! You are great, dear" is an expression of……..

Doctor : What’s happened to your son, Mrs. Rina?
Mrs. Rina : He ….. sick for three days.

has been
had been
will be

Teacher : “Why did you come late, Boni?”
Boni : Sorry, Sir. I … the bus.

am missing
was missing
had missed

Chandra : Where is my letter?
Donna : What’s letter?
Chandra :Your letter. You asked me to post it this morning.
Donna : Oh . . . .

It is posted
It must be posted
It was posted
It has been posted
It will be posted

Diki : You look very happy. Do you have good news?
Mary : Yeah. I got the first rank in my class.
Diki : Well done. Your parents must be proud of you.
The words "well done" convey about . . .

expressing hope
asking information
refusing offer
accepting invitation
expressing congratulations

Dina : Roni, have you heard that Maria won English speech contest?
Roni : Not yet, it is ...... She can’t speak English fluently.


Joy : ..... your English more often! It will make you speak fluently.
Bruno : Ok.

To practice
Don’t practice

Bintang : . . . coming to my house to have dinner with my family?
Marion : Of course not. What time do I have to come?
Bintang : We’ll be waiting for you at about 7.
Do you like
Will you
Would you like
Would you mind
Shall I take you

Dini : How is your mother, sandrra? Is she getting better now?
Sandra : No, I’m worried about her health, she is getting worse.
Dini : . . . .

How pity she is.
You must be very upset
Sorry to bother you
I’m sorry to hear that
Your mother should take a rest

Arrange these jumbled sentences into a good paragraph.
1. She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her.
2. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass.
3. After walking around for some time, she came to a spring.
4. While making her way up, she slipped and fell into water.
5. One hot day, an ant was searching for some water.

The best arrangement is ...

5 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 1
5 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 1
5 – 2 – 3 – 1 – 4
5 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4
5 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 2

Score =
Correct answers:
Demikian latihan soal UKK Bahasa Inggris kelas X SMA Kurikulum 2013 tahun 2019. Semoga bisa melengkapi latihan adik- adik dalam mempersiapkan PAT/ UKK mendatang.

Semoga bermanfaat.

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