Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure Beserta Contoh Terlengkap - Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure Beserta Contoh Terlengkap. Expressing Pleasure adalah ungkapan untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang memberikan kesenangan. Sedangkan, Expressing Displeasure adalah ungkapan tentang suatu hal yang memberikan ketidaksenangan. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang berbagai macam expression yang bisa digunakan ketika kita mengalami suatu peristiwa yang memberikan kesenangan dan ketidaksenangan. Untuk setiap situasi tersebut saya juga akan membagikan beberapa dialogue yang bisa digunakan sebagai acuan dalam memahami penggunaan expression tersebut.

Expressing Pleasure

I am so happy.
I feel excited.

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I am very pleased with it.
I’m very pleased.
I feel delighted.
It is awesome.
It is a good news.
It’s a pleasure.
How happy to meet you.
That is great!
That is good!
That is terrific.
It was really delightful.
It gives me pleasure.
That is wonderful.
I am very delighted to hear that.
I had a splendid time.

Expressing Displeasure

That is too bad.
It is a shame.
It was very poor.
Oh, no!
I am very annoyed.
It is a bad news.
I really hate …
I feel bad about this.
I am extremely displeased to …
I’m really sad to see ...
It really makes me angry.
The jokes didn’t make me happy at all.
Mind what are you doing!
Mind your words!
How annoying!
How awful!
What a bore!
Who do you think you are?

Teddy: Hello, who I am speaking to?
Bryan: Hello, Teddy. This is Bryan.
Teddy: What’s up, Bryan?
Bryan: I have to say thanks to you.
Teddy: For what?
Bryan: It is about the gift that you gave to me. It is wonderful. Really, I am very pleased with it.
Teddy: Me too, Bryan. I am very delighted to hear that.
Bryan: It is the most beautiful wedding gift. My wife also love it.
Teddy: Really? Not too excessive. It as my apology for not being able to attend your wedding ceremony.
Bryan: Yaaa! Actually, I have a lot of stories that I want to share with you.
Teddy: It is nice to talk with you, but now is not the right time. I have to attend a meeting now.
Bryan: No problem. I will call you later. Bye.
Teddy: Bye.

Teddy: Hello, dengan siapa saya berbicara?
Bryan: Halo, Teddy. Saya adalah Bryan.
Teddy: Ada apa, Bryan?
Bryan: Saya harus mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kamu.
Teddy: Untuk apa?
Bryan: Ini adalah tentang hadiah yang kamu berikan kepada saya. Itu mengagumkan. Sungguh, saya sangat senang dengan itu.
Teddy: Aku juga, Bryan. Saya sangat senang mendengarnya.
Bryan: Ini adalah hadiah pernikahan yang paling indah. Istri saya juga menyukainya.
Teddy: Benarkah? Jangan terlalu berlebihan. Itu sebagai permintaan maaf saya karena tidak bisa menghadiri upacara pernikahanmu.
Bryan: Yaaa! Sebenarnya saya memiliki banyak cerita yang saya ingin berbagi dengan kamu.
Teddy: Hal ini baik untuk berbicara dengan kamu, tapi sekarang bukan waktu yang tepat, Saya harus menghadiri pertemuan sekarang.
Bryan: Tidak ada masalah. Saya akan meneleponmu nanti. Bye.
Teddy: Bye.

Contoh Percakapan 1
Radit: What a wonderful dinner!
Enjeli: Thank you. I am glad that you are enjoying it.
Radit: Where did you get your fantastic recipes?
Enjeli: I grew up cooking. My mother shared her recipes with me.
Radit: I especially like the wonderful chicken dish.
Enjeli: That is a special coconut ginger chicken with rice dish.
Radit: Is that shrimp in the soup?
Enjeli: Yes, do you like it? I added a little extra lemon grass and some sea vegetables.
Radit: I am happy that the Milk Shake I made for you works well with this meal.
Enjeli: Yes, thank you for making the Milk Shake. It really complements the meal.

Contoh Percakapan 2
Librarian: How may I help you?
Student: I need to return these books.
Librarian: What happened to this one?
Student: The cover came off.
Librarian: You're going to need to pay for the damage.
Student: Oh my god! I feel bad about this.
Librarian: Library rules and regulations in our school.
Student: How much do I need to pay?
Librarian: It's going to be five dollars.
Student: That's not bad at all.
Librarian: I know it's not.
Student: Here you go.
Librarian: Thank you very much.
Student: You're welcome. Have a nice day.

Exercise: Answer the following questions!
Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 1 and 2)
Shopkeeper : What did you do to this shirt?
Customer : I accidentally ripped the shirt.
Shopkeeper : You will need to pay for the damage.
Customer : How annoying! How much do I need to pay?
Shopkeeper : I'm going to need seven dollars.
Customer : That's not too expensive.
1. The underlined expression expresses ....
A. Satisfaction
B. Dissatisfaction
C. Happiness
D. Pleasure
E. Displeasure

2. From the dialogue we know that ...
A. Customer likes the shirt
B. Customer doesn't likes the shirt
C. Customer going to have to charge for the damage
D. The shopkeeper likes to serve the costumer
E. The shopkeeper doesn't like to serve the costumer

Jack : Dony, I am sure that you ruin my laptop.
Dony : What are you talking about? You think that I ruin your laptop? It really makes me angry!
3. The underlined word has similar meaning with ....
A. Ascent
B. Build
C. Advantage
D. Assist
E. Crush

Mr. Alex: Can you help me pick out a gift for my daughter?
Salesgirl: She might like a laptop computer.
Mr. Alex: That sounds like a good idea.
Salesgirl: Might I suggest a Mac?
Mr. Alex: How much?
Salesgirl: Well, a 15-inch Pro is $2,100.
Mr. Alex: ________________ . I'll take it.
4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. That sounds great
B. It is unacceptable
C. I’m very unsatisfied
D. The computer is so cheesy
E. I don't think so

You would like buy something on online shop. After selecting and paying the product. They promised to send the product for 3 days, but three days had passed the product has not arrived.
5. How do you feel about this situation?
A. I recommended the online shop
B. I am very annoyed at the online shop
C. I will be happy to buy one more time
D. I am very pleased with the service
E. I feel excited about the online shop


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