Expressing Likes and Dislikes Beserta Contoh Soal Terlengkap - Expressing Likes and Dislikes Beserta Contoh Soal Terlengkap. Expressing Likes adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kesukaan terhadap seseorang atau sesuatu. Expressing Dislikes adalah yang digunakan untuk menyatakan ketidaksukaan terhadap seseorang atau sesuatu. Di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari pasti kita akan menemukan suatu kondisi dimana kita menyukai sesuatu ataupun tidak menyukainya. Rasa suka atau tidak suka tersebut biasanya kita ungkapkan dengan berbagai bentuk, bisa dengan sikap dan juga perkataan. Berikut ini saya akan berbagi materi tentang cara-cara mengekspresikan rasa suka dan tidak suka dalam bahasa Inggris.

Expressing Likes

I like…
I love...

Baca Juga

I adore…
I ‘m crazy about…
I’m mad about…
I enjoy…
I’m keen on…
I love eating ice-cream.
I adore sun-bathing.
She's mad about that new boy band.
He's crazy about that girl.
If you like something a lot
She's fond of chocolate.
I like swimming very much.
He quite likes going to the cinema.
I like cooking.

Expressing Dislikes

I don’t like…
I dislike...
I hate…
I abhor…
I can’t bear...
I can’t stand…
I detest...
I loathe...
I don't like sport at all.
He can't stand his boss.
She can't bear cooking in a dirty kitchen.
I hate crowded supermarkets.
He detests being late.
She loathes celery.

Steve: Hello, Jane. Do you fancy watching a film tonight?
Jane: Oh, no thanks, I don't really feel like watching a film tonight. How about going out instead.
Steve: OK. Do you feel like going to the theater?
Jane: Oh, no. I hate it. Maybe go to somewhere for relaxing.
Steve: Okay, never mind. Do you like hanging out in the park?
Jane: I don't mind. The crotona park is alright.
Steve: Well, after that we can visit Chinese restaurant for dinner?
Jane: Well I really love it. Let's go.

Steve: Halo, Jane. Apakah kau mau menonton film malam ini?
Jane: Oh, tidak, terima kasih, saya tidak merasa suka menonton film malam ini. Bagaimana kalau pergi keluar sebagai gantinya.
Steve: OK. Apakah Anda merasa seperti pergi ke bioskop?
Jane: Oh, tidak. Saya benci itu. Mungkin pergi ke suatu tempat untuk bersantai.
Steve: Oke, sudahlah. Apakah kamu menyukai nongkrong di taman?
Jane: Saya tidak keberatan. Taman Crotona bagus kayaknya.
Steve: baiklah, Setelah itu kita bisa mengunjungi restoran Cina untuk makan malam?
Jane: Yah aku benar-benar menyukainya. Ayo pergi.

Contoh Percakapan 1
Brandon: What do you like doing in this weekend?
Jesica: Reading a book and sometimes I like cooking. What about you?
Brandon: I like writing articles. Writing is my hobby. I post my article in
Jesica: Nice hobby, what kind of article that you wrote?
Brandon: I publish so many articles about English lesson.
Jesica: someday, I need to promote your website on my facebook account.
Brandon: I’m keen on your idea.
Jesica: By the way, Do you like cooking?
Brandon: I don't really like it. I know many food recipes, but I'm too lazy to cook.
Jesica: What if we cook together?
Brandon: That's a good idea.

Contoh Percakapan 2
Bella: So, what do you think? How do you like Jakarta?
Paul: I’m having a great time. I love it. I’m glad we came.
Bella: Yeah. I really like the stores and the shopping.
Paul: I love the beach too.
Bella: But the traffic is pretty bad.
Paul: Yeah, I hate all this traffic. It’s really noisy.
Bella: It’s almost lunchtime. What do you want to eat?
Paul: Let’s find nice place for lunch.
Bella: How about Padang Restaurant, it's the nearest from here.
Paul: Well, let's go there.

Exercise: Answer the following questions!
Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 1 and 2)
Rianty: Do you like meatball?
Ester: No, I'm not like it. 
Rianty: What kind of food do you like?
Ester: I like pizza, spaghetti and sushi.
Rianty: I also like it, but I prefer meatball. Meatball is authentic Indonesian food
1. What kind of food Rianty Like?
A. Fried rice
B. Pizza
C. Meatball
D. Spaghetti
E. Sushi

2. The underlined expression expresses ....
A. Expressing satisfaction
B. Expressing dissatisfaction
C. Expressing like
D. Expressing dislike
E. Expressing preference

Yozy : I heard you have gotten low score on English test.
Dany : Yes, I abhor the lesson.
Yozy : You should take English course.
3. The underlined word has similar meaning with ...
A. Love
B. Hate
C. Poor
D. Adore
E. Like

Cathrine: Do you like watching a movie?
Nadine: ________________________
Cathrine: What is your favorite movie?
Nadine: My favorite movie is the fast and furious.
4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. I love watching movie
B. I dislike watching movie
C. I hate watching movie
D. It's not my favorite one
E. I don't like it

Alex : How do you feel about this omelet?
Bram : It is very tasty. I like this food
Alex : Me too.
5. From the dialogue we know that ...
A. Alex dislike omelet
B. Bram don't like omelet
C. Bram loves omelet, while Alex hate it
D. Bram and Alex like omelet
E. Bram and Alex dislike omelet


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