Daftar Idiom Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Abjad J

iTapuih.com - Daftar Idiom Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Abjad J. Dalam mempelajari Idiom, hal yang harus dipahami adalah Apakah Idiom itu? Idiom merupakan satuan-satuan bahasa (bisa berupa kata, frase, maupun kalimat) yang maknanya sudah menyatu dan tidak dapat ditafsirkan dengan makna unsur yang membentuknya. Jadi, cara untuk dapat memahaminya adalah dengan mengenal dan menghapalkannya. Berikut ini saya jelaskan beberapa contoh Idiom yang dimulai dari abjad J.

NoIdiom dan ArtinyaExamples
1.Jack Frost

Beku di musim dinginWatch out for Jack Frost! Put on your gloves!
2.Jack the Lad

YakinHe always was a bit of a Jack the Lad.

Dapat melakukan banyak pekerjaanBeing a Jack of all trades doesn't mean you're a master of none.
4.Jam on your face

Bersalah atau ditangkapJohn had jam on his face as he found himself caught by the police.
5.Jam tomorrow

Janji palsuAs children we were always being promised jam tomorrow.
6.Jane Doe

Nama perempuan yang dirahasiakanA former employee, referred to only as Jane Doe.
7.Jekyll and Hyde

Kepribadian yang berubah-ubahHe's a real Jekyll and Hyde who can become violent without warning.
8.Jersey justice

Hukuman atau tindakan keadilanTwenty years in jail for stealing a car? That sounds like Jersey justice to me.
9.Jet set

Sangat kayaMark's dream of living the jet set life finally came to fruition.

Untuk menekankan betapa hitam sesuatuJane was the smaller of the two and had jet-black hair.
11.Job's comforter

Gagal membuat orang lain bahagiaMy husband in his role as Job's comforter
12.Jobs for the boys

Pekerjaan yang diberikanThey operated a system of jobs for the boys.
13.Jockey for position

Berebut untuk sebuah posisiI was jockeying for position but running out of campaign money.   
14.Jog my memory

Merangsang memori seseorangI use the photos to remind him of what he's seen, to jog his memory.
15.John Doe

Nama laki-laki yang dirahasiakanThe patient was referred to in court documents as John Doe.
16.Joe Public

Masyarakat umumHow can I tell Mary it's not just Joe Public who's out for blood?
17.Johnny on the spot

Siap melakukan layananWhen Jack comes over, you need to be my Johnny on the spot.

Baru dan menjadi sangat suksesShe denies suggestions that she's a Johnny-come-lately.
19.Join the club

Mengajak orang berbicaraYou don't have anyplace to stay? Join the club! Neither do we.
20.Joined at the hip

Dekat dan selalu bersamaJack and Jane are joined at the hip in a variety of situations.
21.Judge, jury and executioner

Bertanggung jawab atas keputusanThe man did not show his judge, jury, and executioner.
22.Juggle frogs

Menemukan situasi sulitI've got so many things to do at the moment, I feel like I'm juggling frogs!
23.Jump down someone's throat

Mengkritik dengan parahI admitted to being there, you needn't jump down my throat.
24.Jump on the bandwagon

Memutuskan melakukan sesuatu (sudah sukses)When organic food became popular, it was quick to jump on the bandwagon.
25.Jump ship

Mengundurkan diri dari pekerjaanThey all jumped ship as soon as other jobs opened up.
26.Jump the broom

MenikahJack and Jane have decided to jump the brum.
27.Jump the gun

Memulai sesuatu sebelum waktunyaI think he jumped the gun when he made that investment.
28.Jump the track

Tiba-tiba merubah rencanaJohn's mind jumped the track while he was in the play.
29.Jump through hoops

Melakukan banyak hal ekstraWe had to jump through hoops to get my Dad admitted to hospital.
30.Jump to a conclusion

Membuat keputusan terlalu cepatWe haven't got the full story yet so let's not jump to conclusions.
31.Jumping Judas!

Ekspresi terkejut atau syokThis is really Jumping Judas! I can't explain anymore.
32.Jungle out there

Situasi berbahayaWorking in that company is so difficult. It's a jungle out there.
33.Jury's out

Tidak ada kesepakatan mengenai ituThe jury's out on the safety of irradiated food.
34.Just around the corner

Tidak jauh atau akan segera terjadiThere's a great restaurant just around the corner.
35.Just coming up to

Suatu hal akan terjadiJust coming up to nine o'clock, you will watch them.
36.Just deserts

Mendapatkan apa yang layakI feel better now that Jane got her just deserts.
37.Just for the heck of it

Tanpa alasan atau tujuan tertentuLet me explain this another way, just for the heck of it.
38.Just for the record

Memperjelas situasiJust for the record, we never endorsed this idea.
39.Just in the nick of time

Pada saat-saat terakhirShe fell in the river and was rescued in just the nick of time.
40.Just off the boat

Mudah ditipuThey don't understand, they are just off the boat.
41.Just what the doctor ordered

Persis apa yang diinginkanThanks, a strong cup of coffee in the morning is just what the doctor ordered.
42.Justice is blind

Keadilan tidak memihak dan obyektifNo matter who you are, you must respect the law. Justice is blind.

Sumber https://www.itapuih.com/

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