Latihan Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMK 2019 (Reading)

Beberapa waktu lalu saya memposting latihan ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMK materi listening, Semoga saja bisa menambah pemahaman dan memperdalam kemampuan mendengarkan adik- adik. Pada tulisan kali ini, saya akan sajikan sebagai pelengkap dalam latihan menghadapi ujian nasional bahasa Inggris SMK tahun 2019 yaitu materi reading. Materi reading dalam Ujian nasional tahun 2019 berdasarkan kisi- kisi BSNP terdiri dari teks fungsional pendek seperti announcement, label, dan sebagainya serta teks descriptive, recount, report, dan procedure.
sukses UN
Berdasarkan kisi- kisi BSNP tersebut, kita bisa memetakan materi untuk soal reading yaitu :
  1. Peserta didik dapat menentukan topik, tujuan, latar belakang, peristiwa, deskripsi, referensi makna /persamaan kata , rujukan kata dan kesimpulan dari teks descriptive, recount, report, dan procedure.
  2. Peserta didik dapat menentukan topik, tujuan, latar belakang, informasi rinci, referensi makna , rujukan kata dan kesimpulan dari percakapan pendek misalnya tentang Past Activities, Kegiatan sehari-hari, Rencana kegiatan yang akan datang
  3. Peserta didik dapat menentukan ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi dialog misalnya tentang menawarkan sesuatu, persetujuan, memberikan opini, passive voice, kejadian waktu lampau, meminta ijin – giving suggestion, kalimat pengandaian dan sebagainya.

Dari pemetaan soal diatas, kita bisa melihat bahwa soal reading akan terbagi menjadi tiga yaitu reading comprehension untuk beberapa teks, kemudian soal berdasarkan dialog tertentu dan terakhir adalah melengkapi ungkapan dalam dialog.

Soal- soal tersebut bisa untuk mempersiapkan UNBK kemudian USBN Bahasa Inggris SMK tahun 2019. Soal berjumlah tiga puluh lima dan dikerjakan secara online dengan skor nilai akan tertera setelah mengerjakan semua soal. 

Nah, langsung saja, berikut soal latihan bahasa Inggris Ujian Nasional SMK 2019. 

Text for number 1 to 3

Baca Juga

Laptop, often called a notebook, is a portable personal computer with a clamshell form factor, suitable for mobile use. Although originally there was a distinction between laptops and notebooks, the former being bigger and heavier than the latter, as of 2014, there is often no longer any difference. Laptops are commonly used in a variety of settings, such as at work, in education, and for personal multimedia.
A laptop combines the components, inputs, outputs and capabilities of a desktop computer, including the display screen, speakers, a keyboard, and pointing devices (such as a touchpad or trackpad) into a single unit. Most 2016-era laptops also have integrated webcams and built-in microphones. The device can be powered either from a rechargeable battery or by mains electricity from an AC adapter. Laptops are diverse devices and specialized kinds, such as rugged notebooks for use in construction or convertible computers, have been optimized for specific uses. The hardware specifications, such as the processor speed and memory capacity significantly vary between different types, makes, and models.

1. What is the topic of the passage?
Describing laptops in general
Explaining the parts of laptops
Giving information of modern laptops
Convincing how portable laptops are

2. What should the readers considering to have a laptop?
The budget and needs they have
The processor speed and memory capacity
Its service center and guarantee availability
Its specification and setting that meets their needs

3. “… the former being bigger and heavier than …”
The word "former" refers to …

Text for number 4-7
Two years ago I had a chance to fly in an aeroplane. This was my first flight so I was very nervous. I feared that sorts of accidents might happen on the way. I thought that the engine might burst and come down with a crash. Sometimes I was afraid that the pilot might make a mistake and I had to pay for it with my life.
Soon after I had seated myself there, the sound of the engines rose to a roar as moved off, and gradually its speed. Then it was with a feeling of surprise I noticed that the ground was at some distance beneath me. As the plane went higher and higher up in the air, a strange sensation ran through my body. Soon, the motion was easy. The fear which overtook me at the time of flight was no more in my heart. Now I was quite bold in the air.
This did not mean that I felt the worse for it. I felt as comfortable in the aeroplane as I used to feel in my car. I felt no sense of insecurity. I did not occur to me even for a moment that my life could ever be in danger. The machine flew as smoothly in the air as a boat glides down a peaceful stream.
When the plane was at sufficient height, I looked through the pane of the window. The earth seemed to be “falling off” from us. The big building looked like a small spots of beauty. The sky was clear. Everything looked new and strange.
The most beautiful thing was the scene around me. I saw nothing but was surrounded by pure air. Occasionally I saw clouds floating here and there.
We flew over the roofs of many houses. At one place we were very near the roof and I felt that we were going to touch it. After flying for a long time, we finally touch the earth. The journey was so pleasant and comfortable that I could not forget it.

Adopted from :

4. What is the second paragraph about?
The writer's short moment when the plane began to take off
The writer's feeling on his first flight
The unforgettable journey the writer had ever
The writer's opportunity to fly in an aeroplane

5. What is the writer's intention to write the text?
To describe the writer’s experience in his first flight
To persuade the readers to fly by aeroplane
To inform the readers about condition in an aeroplane
To retell the writer’s experience in his first flight

6. What is NOT true according to the text?
The writer felt worried before getting on the plane
The writer was afraid of flying because he had traumatic accident caused by the pilot’s mistake
The writer felt relief after the plane went higher
The weather was fine when the writer flew by plane

7. "The earth seemed to be “falling off” from us. It means that ....
The earth disappeared from the writer's view
The writer thought that the earth became smaller
The earth fell down from the universe
The earth looked strange and new

Text for number 8-10
Go-Jek is the first app which provides a transportation service using a motorbike. This app is very popular in big cities in Indonesia. By using Go-Jek app you can order an 'ojek' service, goods-delivery, even ordering food, and many more. For those who do not know how to use Go-Jek app, here are some steps you should know.

Steps: •First, open the App Store or Google Play Store on your smartphone.
•Find the Go-Jek app and install the app.
•Once the application is installed, you must register an account first. Press the Sign Up button on the app.
•Enter all the requested data correctly. Go-Jek will send a verification code to the number you registered. Enter the code into the Go-Jek app.
•The last, select the service you want to use.

8. What is the social function of the text?
to install Go-Jek app on smartphone
to guide in using Go-Jek app
to uninstall Go-Jek app
to give information of Go-Jek app

9. What may happen if we do not enter our phone number correctly?
We cannot use the app
The app cannot be installed
The app will not operate properly
The installation will stop immediately

10. When a person needs to enter verification code?
When he/she wants to use a service of Go-Jek app
After the code is sent to his/her mobile number
When he/she download the Go-Jek app
After completing the installation process

Text for number 11-14
Niagara Falls is the most famous water fall in the world because of its beauty and immense size. Niagara Falls is part of the Niagara River. The Niagara is a short river, just 35 miles (56 kilometers) long. It connects Lake Erie and Lake Ontario in eastern North America. East of the river is the United States. West of the river is Canada. About halfway between the two lakes, a sharp drop in the river makes Niagara Falls.
Niagara Falls is actually two giant waterfalls and one smaller one. Goat Island, in New York state, lies between the two main falls. One big waterfall, called American Falls, is on the U.S. side of the river. American Falls has a fairly straight edge. The waterfall is 1,075 feet (328 meters) wide and 182 feet (55 meters) high. A small part of American Falls, located near Goat Island, is called Bridal Veil Falls.
The biggest of the two giant waterfalls is in Canada and is known as the Canadian Falls. It’s also called the Horseshoe Falls because of its horseshoe shape. The curved edge of the Canadian Falls measures 2,200 feet (670 meters) wide, and the water drops 187 feet (57 meters). The Canadian Falls carries nine times more water than the American Falls.
Niagara Falls is a popular tourist attraction. Millions of people come each year to watch the spectacular waterfalls. You can take a boat trip to see the falls from below. You can also watch from observation decks above or beside the falls. You can even enter the Cave of the Winds, a path that takes you to the base of Bridal Veil Falls. Visitors must wear bright-yellow rain jackets to stay dry.
Niagara Falls makes an enormous, ground-shaking roar and a huge cloud of water mist. Rainbows shine through the mist. At night, the falls are lit with colored lights, creating a brilliant display.

Taken from : Microsoft Encarta 2009

11. What does the text tell us about?
The great beauty of Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls as the popular tourist resort
A famous waterfall in United States
The origin of Niagara Falls

12. Based on the text, we know that ….
Niagara Falls is a part of the Niagara river located in two countries; Mexico and United States
Niagara Falls has two main waterfalls
The Canadian Falls is the biggest part of Niagara Falls which is known as the Horseshoe Falls
The American Falls carries nine times more water than the Canadian Falls

13. The main idea of the last paragraph is ....
The huge size of Niagara falls
Niagara falls as the tourist resort
The location of Niagara falls
The beauty of Niagara falls

14. The word “enormous” in the last paragraph has the similar meaning to ….

Text for number 15-16
February 25, 2017
Dear Chandra Barata,
We are happy to announce that our newly renovated restaurant is now ready. We are cordially invite you to our grand opening of our newly renovated restaurant on March 1, 2017 at our location Basudewo Street 51 Semarang with a free dinner at 7.30 p.m.
Please, confirm of your attendance by February 28 by phone (085221675434) or e-mail at
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.

Yours faithfully,

Janu Danuarta

15. Based on the text, we can conclude that ….
The grand opening will be held in the new address of the restaurant
The location of the restaurant is different from the old one
The confirmation can be done both by email or phone
The invitee will pay all of the menu in the grand opening

16. What is the writer’s objective to write the letter?
To summon his client to open new restaurant
To ask his client to enjoy free dinner
To tell his client about opening newly renovated restaurant
To have his client attend the grand opening of newly renovated restaurant

Text for number 17-19

17. What is the social function of the text?
To give detail information of a product
To describe a product in brief
To explain how to use a product
To persuade the readers to buy a product

18. What does the least thing the product contain?
Vitamin C
Dietary fiber

19. Who will concern with the label?
A person who wants to buy the product
A person who wants to sell the product
A person who concerns with health condition

Dialog for number 20-22
Mr. Rudi : You have got to learn to relax.
Shanti : I'd like to take your advice, but I have to work. I have a lot of responsibilities.
Mr. Rudi : I'm sure you do. We all do, but if you keep up with this crazy pace, you may never work again. You're running your health. You need to find a away to ease up a little.
Shanti : Well, maybe I could take on an assistant to help me out some with work.

20. Who is possibly giving advice?
A teacher
A physician
A manager
A lecturer

21. What is the woman's problem?
She never takes a vacation
She can't manage her time
She works too much
she lost her job

22. What will Shanti do?
Go to the health club
Take a vacation
Learn to manage her time
Hire someone to help her

Dialog for number 23 - 25
Zawal : I'm going hiking in the mountains for my vacation.
Erna : Hiking? That's energetic of you. After working as hard as you do, I would think you would want to spend a few weeks just lying on a beach riding a good book.
Zawal : I'm tired of lazy vacations by the sea. I like to be active when I take a vacation. I'm really looking forward to two weeks walking in the mountains.
Erna : Wow! That's a long time. are you leaving soon?
Zawal : Yes, on Sunday. Just two days away. I can't wait.

23. What do they talk about?
Their plan for having vacation
Erna's opinion about their next vacation
Zawal's plan for his vacation
The reason why zawal likes hiking in the mountains than lying on the beach

24. How long is his vacation?
three days
five days
fourteen days
sixteen days

25. What is NOT True according to the dialog above?
Zawal is a hard worker
Erna gives best advice to zawal about his vacation
Zawal will spend more than a week walking to the mountain
Erna will join Zawal in her vacation

Dialog for number 26
Receptionist : Good afternoon. May I help you?
Rudi : Hello, my name is Rudi. ....
Receptionist : I see. A single?
Rudi : Yes, please.
I'd like to order a single room.
I want to book a room for tonight, please.
I am going to stay in your hotel.
I'd like to pay my bill
Dialog for number 27
Yuna : What would you like to drink?
Dilan : Coffee, please!
Yuna : ... I'll bring right away.

I'm sorry I can't do that
You shouldn't order that
very well
That's impossible
Dialog for number 28
Diana : What do you like doing in your free time?
Tita : I like reading andd listening to music. What about you?
Diana : Yes, I love swimming and enjoy jogging in the morning before school.
How do you spend your weekends?
Have you got any hobbies?
What sports do you like better?
Do your brother exercise regularly?
Dialog for number 29
Hendra : When do we finish this report?
Isna : This afternoon. This report ... by the manager before we send it to the main office tomorrow.
will be checked
will check
has checked
Dialog for number 30
Guest : Can I see the menu, please?
Waiter : Certainly. Here you are. ... ?
Guest : Two orange juice, salad, and fruit for dessert.

Can I have your order now?
What do you like?
Do you want me to eat?
Could you wait?

Dialog for number 31
Student 1 : What do you think if Student who breaks the law should leave out the school?
Student 2 : ... it doesn't give best solution for student's future.
I am not on your side
I strongly agree
I support that statement
It's a good idea

Dialog for number 32
Ahza : Mom, Can you help me with Math assignment? It's too difficult for me.
Mother : I'm sorry, you havve to do your task by yourself.
Ahza : ....

If only I'm able
If you would help me
If only I could
If it is easy enough
Dialog for number 33
Kikit : What would you like, climbing mountains or traveling?
Eni : I .... What about you?
Kikit : Traveling

prefer climbing mountains to traveling
would rather climb mountains better than travel
would prefer climbing mountains rather than traveling
like climbing mountains to traveling

Dialog for number 34
Rafif : ... this morning, we will be able to go boating in the lake.
Okky : Let's hope for that
If you can swim
If the situation is not condusive
If I were you
If the weather is nice
Dialog for number 35
Ali : Where are you going for your holiday next month?
Joko : I'm not sure yet. I ... to Bromo.

will go
am going
might go
have gone
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